Monday, March 10, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Teacher Gift

St. Patrick's Day is next Monday and I'm being good about making my treats for the boys class early instead of the weekend before and running around like my heads cut off.  So yeah a win for me!!!

I found a really fun an inexpensive way to make a teacher gift on Fun Home Things.  I always like to give a little treat to the teachers since they do so much for the kids.  But as always money is tight so it's nice to bring a smile to their face with out going broke.  The only thing that was missing was a tag to add to the gift, I found the perfect one on A Little Crafting.  I picked up everything at the Dollar Tree, can also find things in the dollar bin at Micheal's or Target.

What you Need:
Green Bucket (I used a Green ceramic pot)
Green Note Cards 
Green Pen / Pencils
Green Scissors
Green Gum
Green Life Savers / or M&M's
Card Stock for Tag
Green Foam Shamrock
Hot Glue Gun

Put all items in the bucket.  I attached a foam shamrock with a little hot glue to the front of my pot.  I attached the cute tag with a piece of ribbon to a pack of gum.  Easy and thoughtful!

Last Year I got some rude comments about St. Patty and St. Paddy about what is respectful and disrespectful so this year we'll just go with St. Patrick's day to keep everyone happy!

Any St. Patrick Day Plans?

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. Dang, you give your teacher St. Patrick's Day stuff. You ARE good :)

  2. So cute! Great ideas and yes I will be stealing them for my son's teacher. As for St Pat's plans... we wake up to see what our naughty leprechaun has done to our house. (pee green in our potty without flushing, open all the doors and drawers in the kitchen and makes a mess, he spills that Lucky charm cereal that I would never buy) Then after school I make leprechaun quesadillas. Busy day. ;-)

  3. They will really appreciate the bucket of goodies! Your so sweet....

  4. The bucket of goodies is a great idea. I can't imagine you having done anything disrespectful. Phooey on them.

  5. Maybe there should be some hand sanitizer or soap included with the wording on that tag?


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!