Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Confessions of an Overeater


Why? Because they told me that I can't lose my weight. I know I can DO this. This solution really helps me and motivates me to do my best ► ◄

Most of you who have been following me for sometime know that I have been on a long journey of making myself healthier.  Last year I was down 105 lbs.  In June I went back to a "healthy" eating lifestyle.  WELL in my mind I was doing well with a few little snacks here and there.  My old habits started to rear their ugly heads along with my mindset that if you don't see it or acknowledge it, it's not true!  YUP it's worked so well for me, hence the need to loose 100lbs before.  

So I started to feel the clothing pinch and I had to go up a size in my jeans and my tops.  I kept saying oh I only gained 20 lbs when I talked to other (in my head I would say ok maybe 30).  Then I started to say oh I gained 30lbs and really thought that was the truth!  YUP then this weekend after trying on a pair of pants in the size I went up to and they wouldn't budge over my thighs and I almost went in tears to the party.  I talked with a friend there about the Omni supplements she had already lost 5lbs in her first week.

WELL I so know my body and know no matter what I do it has to be eating right with exercise.  NEVER have I been one to loose with out changing these two factors.

So I've now added on 3 days of Inanity and 3 days of ripped at the YMCA.  And I've gone back to my ideal protein diet, which is a tough diet but I plan to stick to it for 8 weeks!  I did pick up a few Omni supplements for my friend, that I'll be adding in next week.

So I finally stepped on scale on Monday and was shocked to see the amount gained was 40lbs!!  YUP it was a shocker but it was needed for me to get my head out of the clouds and actually see the #. 

Wish me luck!  I want to be close to being down those 40lbs by my Bday in June.  So I share my ups and downs, it keeps me accountable plus hopefully help others that are going through this also.

Photo: Today I start my journey back to a healthier me!  This past week I got my exercise right. 3 days of insanity and 3 days of ripped. Now to get my food right.  I got off track let some bad habits take over me and gained back some weight.  My promise to myself is by my bday I will be back or very close to were I was last year!  2 months is the challenge.


  1. Thanks for sharing the truth about weight loss. It is a battle and for girls like us we fall back into old patterns and gain. Yes, I too have gained. Running has helped but I need to lose and so I will continue my journey along side of you. We can do this! !!

    1. Well I replied but Blogger ate it :(.

      Thank you so much my dear. It was very difficult to write this. I didn't want to be a failure. But then I just knew my testimony and journey is made to be told. That even when the bad does come you can turn it around and be right again.

  2. I have struggled, too. I am always up and down about 10 or 15. I hate it, but it's something we have to deal with every single day!

    1. You know it my dear. I will battle through this and will be ok with the struggles because I know I'm not a failure I'm just human. I'm just still working on this thought :).

  3. That weight gain happens before you know it. It's so frustrating! I tend to bounce around a bit too.

  4. I can understand...I love to eat too! I wish you the best in your weight loss journey! ((HUGS))

    I've heard the Insanity workout is pretty crazy, so I have to say you must be pretty brave!! ;-)

    1. Thank you so much!

      Oh yes it kills me but it's a GREAT work out!

  5. It happens so quickly even when we think we are eating healthy. I'm so proud of you for posting about the weight you gained recently. It happens to the best of us and I am still in awe of everything you accomplished last year. You are still the person I look up to when it comes to weight loss. No doubt you can do anything you set your mind too!

    1. Thank you so much my dear! I love to have you on my side!

  6. Best of luck! I just said a little prayer for you!!

  7. You are such an inspiration! I'm working on getting back to healthy, too - it's not easy, but at least it's nice to know we're not alone! :)

    1. You so now it girl, it's nice to have friends to bend an ear with and encourage!

  8. It's so freakin' harddddd!! Keep at it girl, I KNOW you can do it!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!