Thursday, April 10, 2014

Meal Plan ... Kid Friendly Meal Week (Week of April 13)

This week is all about the kids, with Rick gone I'm going to go back to my strict protein diet and let the kids have meals they enjoy.  So not the most healthiest meals but fun things they would love that I know Rick and I would not want.

Sunday - Meatloaf (Requested by Caden) and Mash Potatoes (Requested by Cole)
Tuesday - Spaghetti and Meat Sauce
Friday - Boy's Pick (probably Papa Murphy's)
Saturday - Chicken Divan - My Recipe (Repeat meal boys liked this one)
Chicken Divan Recipe

Meal Plan Monday
Have a GREAT weekend!!


  1. The octo dog RULES. I am totally borrowing that.

  2. Fun meals for the boys. I remember seeing those hot dogs with spaghetti when I first started on Pinterest and I think they are one of the smartest/funniest ideas!!!!

  3. The meals all sound good and something your boys will enjoy!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!