Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Things that are going on ... Spring Break Yeah!

It's spring break and that means boys home while mom is working from home ... oh yes you guessed it! Mom is about to locked into a padded room.  Thankfully Rick is off during the week for two days so I had some help those days.  So while he is home and the boys are kicking the ball against the house over and over I thought I was going to scream.  So I did what any good mom (insert laugh / half cry) would do and went to Amazon and searched how much a soccer goal would be.  I found some cheap ones but they were small the large one's were rather spendy.  So I went to my handy friend Google Images and searched for DYI Soccer Goals.  I found an awesome tutorial on I can Teach My Child.

The project will come soon, but wanted to share!  We're waiting on the net I ordered on Amazon that will hopefully be here today.  The Goal came together in probably 20 minutes and the boys and Rick had fun building it together.

And Mom needed a little refreshing too.  When I was young I was a Towhead (very white blonde hair), the older I get sadly the darker my hair gets.  So it was time to touch up those roots and get my hair done, feeling so much better ... Well hair wise still fighting a nasty head cold.

Hope you all have a GREAT Day!


  1. I love getting my hair done, too! You look fab!

    1. Thank you sweetie! Me too, it always puts me in a good mood!

  2. You look super!! I hate when I have roots showing so I try to keep them covered.

  3. The color is really nice. I've got to do something too

  4. Glad Rick was home to help out a little bit and how cool is that soccer goal!!! Your hair looks great. (I was extremely blonde as a child too!)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!