Thursday, May 22, 2014

It's Getting Close to D-Day ... Swimsuit Season

As we are all aware it's getting hotter so we must wear shorts or we may fry.  I'm still sticking to my thin cotton pants.  Until I can get myself to put a pair of shorts on.  I'm trying real hard to stick to a strict diet and using the Omni Diet Drops.  Wish me luck!  I'm reaching for my goal to be 30lbs down by Caden's party in July.  I'm down 5 lbs so far with my other diet and this new diet I just started.  I'll keep you posted on it!

But since it's Friday It's time for a Funny!

Have a GREAT weekend!


  1. I love my capri's, even if I was skinny I wouldn't be wearing shorts! I'm interested in hearing about your diet and wishing you complete success. I'm going to be putting on a swimsuit this weekend and it won't be pretty.............

  2. Good luck, mama. I always dread swimsuit season.

  3. Do not worry about what other people think. If you want to wear shorts, wear shorts.

  4. hi there. long time no see. hope all is going well. life is treating us harshly right now but we will manage. anyway hope you get where you want to be. its nice to have a goal in mind. talk soon.

  5. Wishing you all the best, girl!! The e-card totally cracked me up!! I can absolutely relate to it!! lol


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!