Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer Camp Care Package in the Mail

Cole left for summer camp on Monday with our church.  He loves this week long adventure, it can be a little tight getting the money for it but I love to make it work for him.  We sent him off with his buddies and a few treats, but I love to be able to send him a surprise in the mail.  I sent him a care package last year (I just took a look at the post it got over 1100 hits, love to see that).  He loved that one and was asking if I would send another one ... I kept telling him if I can get the time (of course know I would but love to surprise him .. lol).

What you Need:
Homemade Cookies (I made Camp Cookies found on Summer 365)
Oreo's Cookies in can
Playing Cards
Fake Mustaches
Silly String
Beef & Cheese Stick
Science Make your own Snow
Candy & Candy Bars
Glow Sticks
Book (Comic style book)

I made up a quick batch of homemade cookies.  These cookies are freaking amazing (Yes I broke my diet and ate 3 it was a VERY bad day .. lol).  I then hit up the Dollar Tree and found some fun items to stuff in the box.  Pack it all up, if you're not running behind like me you can write fun things on it.  Add some tissue paper to make so it doesn't slip around, and tape it all up.  In the mail it goes!

What you need:

Leaving for Camp

Have a great weekend


  1. I am not strong enough to send my kids off to camp. I just can't do it.

    1. OH girl it is what keeps me sane during the summer time .. lol

  2. A camp care package.
    That is a great idea!

  3. Hope that he is having a wonderful time and OMG what a great box of goodies! Glad you had a few cookies, we all need that from time to time.

  4. I'm sure he loves getting camp mail. He's probably the most popular boy at camp!

  5. How fun to get that in the mail, lucky boy. Homemade cookies don't count on the diet ;) I just saw you picture in the side bar, you've done an amazing job, losing weight is hard work well done on the progress so far.

  6. Hope Cole has a great time. I always enjoyed going to church camp when I was a kid. That was kind for you to make a care package to mail him.

  7. Too fun Alexis!! I bet he loves it!!! :-)


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