Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birthday Dreams ... Princess Cupcakes

I made these princess cupcakes the day before I had to leave on my Canada trip for Birthday Dreams (a great charity that brings birthday's to homeless kids).  This was BEFORE I learned my new favorite trick to make the Candy Clay.  I used fondant, what I was trying to make was actual crowns that stood up on the cupcakes.  WELL they started to crack and look like crap so I went with plan B and made them flat and look like castle's.  They are not one of my favorite cakes I've done but they did make a little girl smile.

What you Need:
Pink Food Coloring
Pearl decorating balls

I used my Sturdy Buttercream Frosting tinted purple with some fresh blueberries in there to go with the blueberry cupcakes I made.  

I made pink fondant using the rolled buttercream fondant.  To make the peaks I used my star cutter point  I then made 4 point castles.  I added a pearl decorating ball on each point. When I added the cupcakes to the box they needed a little something special so I sprinkled some pearls ontop of the cupcake.

Cole even got into the helping mode with me!

Thanks for stopping by

Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. Candy clay that's a great idea, can you use cookies cutters? I'm thinking of Christmas ideas

    1. Yes the Clay worked AWESOME with the candy clay. I used it to make the footballs in previous post. I can't wait to make it with more cutters.

  2. Perfect for all the little princesses out there.

  3. Oh, I love these! Yummy and creative! Thank you for the sweet comments that you left on my blog, I accidently erased them before I had a chance to respond! Thanks so much!
    Cathy@ three kids and a fish

  4. As long as the kids are happy :) and they are cute!

  5. Those are cupcakes fit for a princess!

  6. These cupcakes turned out so cute! Any little princess would love them! Thanks for sharing this at Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop!

  7. Aww these are so fantastic! Thank you for sharing this post at City of Creative Dream's City of Links last Friday! I appreciate you taking the time to party with me. Hope to see you again this week :)

  8. what pretty princess cupcakes! you always come up with such fun ways to make parties special! Thanks for sharing with us!

  9. Thanks so much for linking up to Teach Me Tuesday last week! You are very much appreciated! Hope to see you again tonight!


    Have a great week!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!