Thursday, August 7, 2014

Whistler Canada here I come!

It is true I hopped on a plane and flew to Canada yesterday.  

My amazing bosses have invited me to come along to Whistler Canada.  Now living in Washington I'm rather close to Canada.  In my youthful party days we would hope the board all the time (yup drinking age was 19 here).  NOW we would bomb up on a Saturday AM, party hard and sleep in some cheap MOTEL.  Now This trip is a whole different ball game!

Before I start on the amazing hotel we are staying at.  Let me start with what I am now referring to as the great debacle of Alexis flying.  For you who know me know I'm not a good flyer.  So yesterday I arrive 2 hours early to the airport I make it through security and check in told to go to gate B12.  I look at my ticket it says N12B so I'm thinking oh ok the N must be something for them.  I sit down and start to work to keep my mind off flying.  1/2 before it's time to board I go potty and hit Starbucks stand in line for 15 min go and still don't see my flight # come up on the board so I ask.  Guess what yup in the wrong location.  I have to take NOT 1 but THREE underground trains to the other side of the airport.  Oh yes you guessed it I arrive 3 min after they closed the gate and I was told I would have to wait of course the flight in 2 hours was book solid so I had to wait 5 hours!  You guessed it 7 hours at the airport for this girl!

At least I was in the right place, so I worked for 3 hours of the wait and then 2 hours read a book.  Of course this flight ran late ... lol as my boss says it's comical luck!

I get to Canada and have to clear customs.  What a difference vs just driving across the border like the past.  A great smile and you got right over.  This was angry looking security guards with guards behind in bullet proof vest and guns.  I crossed with no problem and a town car was waiting for me.  The GREAT part of being late was I got to ride ALONE in a car instead of a bus caravan.  Now the resort was 2 hours away the driver said.  We got there in 2 hours, arriving around 10pm!

My amazing boss stayed up to see me, I felt so special for her to do that.  She even went down and had a Moji with me (Pomegranate yum!).  We ended up talking until after midnight!  It was an amazing day even with spending a half day in the airport.

Me crossing the Boarder

Fairmont Chateau Whistler

Evening Twilight in Whistler

Some fun pics

Have a GREAT week!

On a fun note a certain Housewife from the OC I hear may be here!
She is part of our the top producers like my bosses.


  1. Sorry about the 7 hours but what an awesome place to end up in

  2. Almost every flight runs late these days! Sorry you were at the wrong place :(
    OMG, OMG, OMG.....the place looks amazing! Have a wonderful time and your bosses are the best.

  3. I watch Housewives of OC. You'll have to let us know if you see anyone from there. Hope you have a great time.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!