Monday, December 15, 2014

Lady Bug Oreo's and Pretzels

Before I left for Boston I was asked to make some treats for a friend baby's 1st birthday.  She found bumble bee's and lady bug's she wanted done.  I posted the bumble bee's yesterday and today is the Lady Bugs. I found the idea on how to make them on Etsy for Lady Bug Oreo's and Lady Bug Pretzels.  They are time consuming and your back and hand will hurt when done .. lol BUT they are so cute.  My camera battery died half way through this project so I'm missing some step pictures for the Lady Bugs.  Click on my Bumble Bee post link above to see the step by step there.

Lady Bug Bee Oreo's

Oreo's (I used Birthday Cake Flavor)
Red Candy Melts
Black Candy Melts
Candy Eyes
Large Heart Candy Decorations
Small Flower Candy Decorations
Pipping Bag

I have 2 glass bowls from pamper chef that I melt my melts in the microwave for 1 min 30 secs, be careful not to go to long it will BURN done it believe me. Take an Oreo and place in the red Melts.  Use the candy spoon to take the Oreo out of the melts.  The slots in the spoon make the extra chocolate come off.  Place on parchment paper and let it set up.  I put mine in the fridge. I took a throw away bag (you can use a ziplock bag if needed) and melted some black melts and did the dots and line down the center. Once they were set up I dipped half of the red coated cookie into black melts, before the black has harden add the eyes, large heart for the mouth and flower.  

Lady Bug Pretzels's
Red Candy Melts
Black Candy Melts
Candy Eyes
Heart Candy Decorations
Flower Candy Decorations
Chocolate Candy Dipper Spoon
Pipping Bag

I have 2 glass bowls from pamper chef that I melt my melts in the microwave for 1 min 30 secs, be careful not to go to long it will BURN done it believe me. Take a pretzel and place in the red melts.  Use the Candy spoon to take the pretzel out of the melts.  The slots in the spoon make the extra chocolate come off.  Place the dipped pretzel on the parchment paper and let it set up.  I put mine in the fridge.  I took a throw away bag (you can use a ziplock bag if needed) and melted some black melts and did the dots. Once they were set up I dipped half of the red coated pretzel into black melts, before the black has harden add the eyes and flower.  

Any treats planned to make?

Thanks for Stopping by!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. I seriously can not stand the cuteness! Love these so much!

  2. These are really cute too! I still don't know how you get all of this done with working, raising two boys and not to mention that it is the holiday season.....

    1. LOL sometimes are really hard. this was a bad week I really shouldn't have taken this one while trying to get Thanksgiving done and leaving for Boston.

  3. So,so Cute! My Grand-kids will love these! Stopping by from Turnips 2 Tangerines to wish you and yours a Happy Holiday Season~ Lynn


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!