Sunday, January 4, 2015

Birthday Dreams .. Elmo Cupcakes

I start the new year with a new cupcake made for my favorite charity Birthday Dreams, I signed up for a Elmo cake for a 1 year old.  I had plans to make a smash cake also but I didn't get that far.  But these cupcakes did come out pretty darn cute if I say so!  I found an idea for Elmo Cupcakes on Afternoons in the Kitchen

What you need:
Blue Modeling Chocolate 
Red  Modeling Chocolate 
Orange Modeling Chocolate
Black Modeling Chocolate 
Candy Eye
Large, Medium and Small Circle Cutter

For those who have not seen my previous post on how to make modeling chocolate (aka candy clay) all pictured but the orange.

Modeling Chocolate
12oz Candy Melts
1/4 Cup light corn Syrup

Melt your Candy Melts in microwave (mine takes about 2 minutes). Stir them to become smooth and add the corn syrup.  It will become thick and form a ball.  Wrap in plastic wrap and let it sit out and dry.  Takes a few hours or over night is best. (Alexis note: I found to roll this out use a little powder sugar (like you would do with flour), also you have to kneed it a little like you would dough to make it easy to roll out).

To make elmo I rolled out the blue (with a little powder sugar so it won't stick) then I used a large round cutter to make the blue circle.  For Elmo's head I rolled out red and used a medium circle cutter.  I then rolled out the black and used my small circle cutter and then cut it in half to make the mouth.  For the nose I took a small ball of orange and made a nose shape.  I was going to do modeling chocolate for the eyes but I ran out of time so I used the candy eyeballs I had on hand.  I used a little water to make the modeling chocolate stick to each other.  

Chocolate Cupcakes were requested and I topped with my favorite sturdy buttercream frosting. I boxed them up in the clear cupcake boxes I bought off Amazon and delivered them to the homeless shelter for a very special 1 year old.

Here they are ready to be delivered!

Thanks for Stopping by!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!