Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Yet Again ... Gym Time

We are hitting a new year and the gym parking lot is full and I can barely get a space in my class.  Now I love everyone to get on the gym bandwagon, I was once there.  I just wish it wasn't in January where it's so cold and I now have to park in Eygpt ... lol.  

Lot's of changes with the new year.  2 of my instructors have left giving me 3 new instructors for my classes, sadly none like the previous ones and class just is not as fun.  I take RIPPED and Insanity and let me tell you, something has to push you to keep going since they really do suck and are hard work.  So when you have a teacher that is not full of energy or makes you want to go yup it can suck.

THEN the YMCA has changed their policy.  They allow so many reduced people go that us that have already been there are prices go up.  We pay threw our insurance to get the health credit but the kids have to be paid separate, so the YMCA has always let us pay the kid rate alone instead of paying full price for them. They have now changed their policy and my $36 for kids has gone up to $74!!! I almost FREAKED when I saw the bill. UGH wish me luck, I would hate to leave the Y and all the classes.

And a Funny for you!

Have a GREAT week!


  1. My zumba instructor left and I stopped zumba completely. It made me sad, but I couldn't find anyone else who did as good of a job as she did.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that. That is a huge jump in price!

  3. I'm there with you.. I dread the gym in January. Parking in Siberia isn't much fun at all. I'm one of those that likes to workout at the gym when it's not really very busy so that I can fantasize that I have a workout room at home the size of American Family. That's really hard to do when it's not so empty. Oh well, more power to those who stick with it!

  4. You should try this DVD program. It is the newest Insanity workout! It's called Insanity Max 30 with Shaun T. You push yourself as hard as you can go and when you can't go any longer, you have "maxed" out! They even have a modifier (which is who Scott and I are following because we are not in cardio shape.) It is a 2 month DVD set. A different DVD for the first 5 days and then you take a 2 day break and start over. Cardio on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Strength on Tuesday and Thursday. It is kicking my butt!!!! My sister has a FB support group that we belong too. (There is 9 of us doing this for 60 days) Just a thought if you decide you want to drop the Y due to the classes and the price. (I am doing one Shakeology shake a day) but the link I sent you was just the DVD's only. Best part is you can return it after 30 days if you aren't satisfied. A win win! :) (Not trying to sell you anything, but wanted to give you another option if you wanted one) You inspire me all the time! :)

  5. Our monthly membership at our local Y went up as well, but not that much! I would talk to someone about that. I love my group fitness classes and you're right, the instructor makes a HUGE difference. I love mine...I'm like a groupie and take everything she teaches that I can :-) Now if I could stop eating everything in sight...

  6. Wow, that's quite a price increase! I need to get my butt back in shape. I slacked this past month, and it's starting to show. I wish you all the best in your workout endeavor.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!