Sunday, February 1, 2015

12th Man Cupcakes

Well the Superbowl is over, it was a great game from the screaming and yelling in my living room last night. Living in Seattle it was a huge deal we made it there 2 years in a row! Me not being a football girl and a non bandwagon hopper it wasn't a big thing for me. BUT, the charity I work for Birthday Dreams had a 15 y/o homeless girl having a Seahawks themed party.  I made the 12th man treats for Cole's class on Friday and thought I could do that on top of a cupcake also!

WELL my first idea was to make a 12 and do the M&M cake (I made previously for this charity) done in the Seahawk colors!  BUT my order of M&Ms from Amazon arrived an hour before the game which of course was hours after the cake was due.  So I went to plan B Sunday AM.  I got up super early and made the treats and then cupcakes!

What you need:
Candy Melts - Dark Blue
Candy Melts - Green
Candy Melts - White
Vanilla Wafers - I used Minis
Food Writer Black
Rice Krispy Treats
Cupcakes (Chocolate Cupcakes were requested)
Frosting (I used my Sturdy Buttercream)

I used the mini wafers again since they needed to fit on cupcakes. I made a double batch of rice krispy treats,I cut them into rectangles to be the bodies. I melted my Candy Melts and dipped the treats, just about 2/3 of the treat. I used my fondant spreader to make the chocolate smooth for the shirts. I took a food writer and make the face on the mini wafers. I melted some white candy melts and made the 12 on the blue and green to be the shirts. The second time I made them I used a piping bag with my small top to write the 12 it was a lot cleaner this time. I then put a dollop of white chocolate on the un-dipped part of the treat to attach the face. I made a few Flags and square's with the 12 on it too.

I frosted my cupcakes and added the 12th men and flags to them and loaded them up into a clear cupcake containers (I bought mine on Amazon).  I love these containers they make it so easy to deliver cupcakes. They stay nice without being destroyed in the travel.

Thanks for Stopping by!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE


  1. Sorry you guys didn't win, but these are cute consolation cupcakes.

  2. How precious! Thanks for sharing at the Home Matters LInky Party this week!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!