Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mid Winter Break and Sciene Project

Week two of this cold and I'm blessed with Mid Winter Break (When did we become so PC that the kids holidays for school all got renamed?).  Being a work from home mom I dread these days! Love the kids just not the noises while I'm doing my calls. 

During our break we are being productive, the tutor has been coming over everyday to get the boys science projects and boards ready!  We will show them off next week!! Since projects are so fun for the parents my friend sent me this, thought you could all use a good laugh!

All I can say is this mom ROCKS!!!!


  1. That is hilarious. I have seen that floating around on FB and it's so true and also, you have a typo in your title :)

  2. I love that poster. I hated science project time. It was so nice when they went to H.S. and didn't have them anymore......

  3. Science fairs are not my thing. Hate 'em. I love the one you pictured! Quite hilarious.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!