Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Middle School Here We Come ....

This is a sad time for mom but an exciting time for Cole. When I was in school you stayed in elementary school through 6th grade. Were we live 6th grade moves up to middle school. We say good bye to an amazing teacher who looked after Cole and helped him love school! This is the last time the boys will be in school together for SIX years! Not until Cole is in 12 Grade will the boys be in the same school and that will be ONLY for one year. Insert mom said face!
5th Grade "Promotion" Ceremony

Last Day saying Good bye to our amazing Teacher

I leave you with the note I wrote Cole's Teacher!
She is amazing, God sent us an angel in her!

Thank you again for being an amazing role model to Cole. You helped Cole become such and amazing young man. For so long I fought to leave private school to go to public. I never dreamed we would find a teacher who cared as much. For so long Cole hated school being bullied for being different and kids and teachers not understanding his quirks. You took the time to look inside at his heart and worked side by side with me to find what best suited him and ways to help him learn and fit in. He now loves school and wants to continue on. Thank you again for everything you do, you were able to push when I'm was not there and keep him on track. You've set him up for success! You're an amazing teacher and will touch so many lives. Thank you doesn't seem to cover how much I appreciate you!


  1. My oldest is going into middle school (6th grade here also) in September, too!

  2. When I was in school I went from Kindergarten until 8th grade.
    Congratulations to Cole!
    That is a lovely letter you wrote to his teacher.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!