Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Surprise Vacation ... San Diego

My husband planned and set up a surprise trip all on his own (it even landed on our 12 year anniversary). He even called my boss and arranged my time off. When it got closer he did tell me since he knows I'm a little OCD and would have to plan things for work. We manged to kept it a complete secret from the boys. So two Sunday's ago we woke the kids up at 4am and told them my dad was taking us to breakfast!  They were in a sleep grumble and hopped into the car, they didn't even notice the suitcases in the back of the truck. The night before I stayed up and made a treasure map with 4 clues on where we were going. Of course I couldn't find tape to save my life so out came the glue gun lol. Yes I totally hot glued paper down.

We opened the first clue at Denny's while having breakfast clue #1: Lego Man picture "Oh the things we'll build but not with wood!". As we were heading out we opened clue #2: Zoo Animal picture "This is no ordinary place with animals". When we were close to the airport they opened clue #3: Whale picture "A famous whale lives here". When we were about to pull up to airport I had them open Clue #4: The San Diego State Logo. The video was the best of them figuring it out.

When we landed of course our room wasn't available for several hours so we picked up our rental car (the boys dream car a Camaro). I was so excited I was going to meet up with a blogger friend I have not met in real life yet but has been one of my besties for over 6 years. While we waited for my dinner date we walked around the mall. I of course had no place to change so I had to go to a bathroom to put on a dress. My hair was a mess from traveling so I took advantage of one of the kiosk in the mall with a flat iron. And my make-up was looking a little messy so I hit up Clinque. YUP I sure I was their favorite non paying person of the day ... lol.  I did great tips and when I got home went on Amazon and bought a new flat iron and a microdermabrasion brush that was used on me ... lol.

Then the time came to meet up with my friend Debby from Just Breathe. I can't tell you how excited I was! We have been friends for around 6 years along with another blogger Amy. We have all emailed and even talked on the phone a couple times. But nothing beats meeting in real life! We sat and talked for like 2 1/2 hours, I could have stayed for another few hours but Rick was blowing up my text to pick me up. I have not laughed so hard and had a bond with a friend in a long time. It was not like meeting someone for the first time it was like meeting up with a friend you haven't seen in a while and catch up on life. I so hope to meet up again if we head to California or maybe a girls get away where Amy can join us also!

What a way to start my vacation! I was riding on cloud 9 and walked on it our whole trip!


  1. That was an amazing thing for your husband to do. And how cool that you got to meet up with a blog friend!

  2. Your so funny going around the mall to fix yourself up.....LOL! Thank you so much for giving me your time to meet up with you. It was such a great time, I too could have stayed all night to keep talking with you. ((Hugs)) I know you had a week full of fun adventures and so happy that Rick planned this surprise trip for the boys!

  3. As you know, we adore San Diego. I hope to get back again next year.

  4. fun! It's hard. You know I love San Diego!!! I planned a surprise while we were on our trip out there in April and it was HARD not to spoil it. My hubby was truly floored by our weekend in Catalina.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!