Thursday, August 27, 2015

What has been going on here ....

Work has been a bit crazy, I work for a financial advisor so the market activity has been making my calls go from busy to hold on to your seat busy ... LOL!  When I finally clock off I have been hitting the gym but I like to bake and create to calm down also. So a few things have been going on here! Recipes and tutorials to come in the coming weeks!

My bestie loves to post cookie recipes on FB!
I love to try to make them!
THEN take to her house so I won't eat any!!

Cole's best friend's mom brought over a Zucchini the size of my arm!
So I made 3 recipes using it (almost 12 cups of shredded zucchini used) 

Some Babies are coming!
Made a few diaper cakes!
The bottom Booty Diaper Cake is my 2nd attempt that I liked the best!
My first was done when Target doing inventory and they wouldn't bring out 2 matching sets of receiving blankets for me :(.

So there you have it busy all around!!

Have a GREAT Weekend!


  1. OH MY GOSH... what is in the soil to make that zucchini that big??!!?

    I love the onsies cupcakes :)

  2. Yummy stuff! I'm going to have to try those zucchini recipes! We're having cooler weather, so the zucchini seems to have slowed, but I'm sure it'll be back and be more than we can handle soon! ;-) The diaper cake creations are super cute too!

  3. I've seen those cookies and they looks so yummy! I can't believe the size of that zucchini. I just bought a few yesterday. Was thinking of making a lasagna with them. I love the shower gifts you have been making. Really cute.


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