Sunday, September 27, 2015

Beach Party Themed Cupcakes .... Fish and Octopus

We usually throw and end of summer start of school party at the lake. This year I had to go to Boston for work so we had to push it out a week. The weather was overcast and we had a few sprinkles but all and all it was a great party. Not many showed to this party but the one's that counted did. I think I may have to rethink having parties .. lol my turn out is getting to be low.

You know me and have to have a theme for all parties, and I went with the beach themed that I've done in the past with some new treats! I got most of the beach ideas from The Simple Parent.

First on the list to make was an easy Fish cupcake. I saw this idea and now can't find the page to link to them sorry.

What you Need:
Frosted Cupcakes (I tinted mine blue using Americolor Food Gel)
Colored Gold Fish
Black Frosting Gel
Decorating Pearls

Frost your cupcakes I used the feather tip to make it look like waves. I added 3 gold fish per cupcakes (using all the different colors). I used the black gel to add an eye to each gold fish. Then took decorating pearls to decorate the cupcakes like bubbles coming out of the fish breathing under water!

Next cupcake was the octopus. I saw on The Simple Parent using gummy worms and a gumdrop to make an octopus. I happened to go to Walmart candy section and bam I found octopus gummies! Less work is great for me!

What you need:
Frosted Cupcakes (I tinted mine blue with AmeriColor Food Gel)
Octopus Gummies (Or make your own with worms and a gum drop)

Frost your cupcakes I used the feather tip on these also to look like waves. I topped each cupcake with a octopus gummy and bam done!

Thanks for Stopping by!
Don't forget to see the parties I link up to HERE.


  1. Those are too cute! I absolutely love these.

  2. These are great! I love the little bubbles! So cute!
    I'd love for you to share this at our party this week called Wake Up Wednesday. It's going on now!
    Kate | The Organized Dream

  3. These are fabulous! Just perfect for a beach party. Thank you so much for sharing :)
    Joanita @ Snickerdoodle Sunday

  4. This looks absolutely amazing! Pinned and tweeted. You always bring the most amazing creations to our party. Thank you! I hope to see you again, this Monday at 7 pm. It wouldn’t be a party without you! Lou Lou Girls


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!