Tuesday, June 27, 2017

PacMan Birthday Party .. Goody Bags (PacMan & Ghost)

Early I showed you the invites for my son's PacMan themed party. Today is the goody bags made. Now you've heard me several times say I hate goody bags, the party is usually crazy expensive and then you're expected to give guest a party gift. This is usually when we go to the dollar store toys and ton's of candy. So my thought is if I'm sending you home with hopefully something you will keep or eat right away so it's not thrown out.

I wasn't sure on who all was attending so I didn't put names on bags. Caden's bag I did add on wording. The other bags just had PacMan eating the power pills.

I did 2 didn't bag types, a PacMan and a Ghost theme.

Black Bag (Hobby Lobby 12pk $3.99)
Yellow Card Stock
Blue Card Stock
Purple Card Stock
Orange Card Stock
Black Card Stock
White Card Stock
Cricut - I used George Cartridge to cut circles, ovals
Googley Eyes
Glue Stick

Ghost Goody Bags:

For the Ghost bags I took oval cut outs (5.5 inches) in purple, orange and Blue. I then took my scissors to make the bottom of the ghost. Instead of cutting out eyes, I used googley eyes because I think they are fun! I cut out small circles using the cricut (1 inch). I used glue sticks we had left over from school and glued it all onto the bag. This really didn't take very long. The longest part is cutting them from the cricut.

PacMan Goody Bag:

For the PacMan bags I took the circle cut outs (3.5 inches) and took my scissors to make the mouth of PacMan. I cut out black circles for the eyes (1 Inch). I cut out small white circles using the cricut (1 inch) for the dots. Again I used the glue sticks we had left over from school and glued it all onto the bag. This really didn't take very long. The longest part is cutting them from the cricut.

I'll share what goes into the bags shortly. I included a sneak peak for you.

Click HERE to see who I link with.

1 comment:

Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!