Sunday, July 20, 2008

Air Shows and Slip & Slide Birthday Parties!

Well Caden let me sleep in a little; 6:50am is sleeping in right? I so need Rick to put those curtains in Caden's room before I hang Rick up J. I'm so exhausted from yesterday all I want to do is sleep, but it looks like coffee and watching my DVR'd shows is my future.

Today is the air show at McChord Airforce Base and since we're directly behind it, it was a perfect day for Cole and Rick to go over there and watch the show. Tried to get Rick up at 9:30 so they could head over, but today was not a good morning for Rick. So I came back and tried again at 10:30, I finally got him up and moving around 11am. Again thankfully it was so close to the house that they just cruised right over and Rick knew of a side gate that was real easy to get in. I was pumped it was time to relax, Caden and I relaxed and thankfully I set a reminder for my phone to let remind me of Kyle's party today. Unfortunately getting a hold of Rick was not as easy. Finally at 2pm I get Caden and myself ready and head to the party. But of course I need to swing by and pick a gift up, since my Friday blew by and I totally spaced on that detail. Geez we're already an hour late what a few more minutes, hey I'm showing up and I'm not being one of the people I complain about that say they will come and then never show. A little late, ok little maybe pushing it but late I am. Run and pick up a gift of course no gift bags and tissue paper that would be too easy! Stop over at the dollar store, pick up that and wrap it quickly in the back of the car, because I'm cool like that.

We get to the party and Casey has the coolest contraption set up. When she said slip and slide party I had no idea it was a HUGE black trap thing that went down the hill, 2 sprinklers and soap to help slide down faster! Wow is all I can say and the hamburgers with cheese and BACON (oh yeah you heard me right) were to die for. Thank you Bill I completed the mission and oinked my way thru the whole burger, because that was so hard … NOT! What an awesome party girl, thank you for inviting us. Hopefully next year I'll plan better and have both boys.

Finally got a hold of Rick around 5ish and told him I'd meet him up at my parents so he could go Jet Skiing and I could take the boys to his cousins' kid's party. I gave him a call when I got out of the driveway; thankfully I did this he was thinking I was coming home. They weren't even home yet and by the time they got home it was after 6pm, the other party started at 4pm. So I called and left a message why we didn't show, you know I can't stand on my soap box and complain about no showers if I don't at least call.

Since they boys ate late it left me to a cereal night, which was fine by me no cooking this weekend … Yippee!

Of course everyone was wound up and it looks like another long night, the bad thing is tomorrow is Monday and lack of sleep doesn't always work when you have to actually work. Geez, sweet dreams!

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