Monday, July 21, 2008

Stretched and Out of Control ... Thank you Little Birdie!

I know I've been stretched a little thin and try to keep up with everything bills, kids , life etc … oh yeah work! So today when a little bird with connections let me know I better drop off a check for the trash bill or my cans will disappear and not reappear, really set my butt in motion. Of course by the time I got out of work picked the boys up it was too late to get a live person. So I ran home hoping the checks I finally ordered (mind you going with out for 3 weeks!) arrived. Talked to Rick to give him a heads up! Geez wrong move of course this sent him into overdrive especially since they were closed and we need to move the cans in back! Oh boy I thought his head might explode and candy would spew out. Know as fun as that sounds for the boys, it's not too fun on my end! I quickly grabbed the checks and mind you I was a dork and left the bill at work in my August bills that I was planning on paying when I get paid on the 1st. So I had to find an envelope and pray I could guess close to the bill.

Rick was in a fine fit so I decided this would be a good time to drop off the bill, go grocery shopping and stop by the library. Now I understand why he is so upset in a way! I do about 95% of the bills all online (paperless), this way I'm not consumed with paper. See the down fall is those paper bills that I bring to work and put on the desk to pay! Well most of them I'm really good about it's just a few I space on, lead way to the trash dilemma. Then you forget to pay them other bills go thru and you're stuck with no money to pay them, it's a great cycle. It kills me when I look at our monthly income and then when I try to do simple things we have no money. Where does it all go? August I'm turning over a new leaf and I'm actually going to stick to it this time, I'm going to do a monthly calendar with money coming and money coming out. I love Rick to death but he spends like water! Then when we have no money it was something I did. Don't you just love men, sometimes it's always your fault because you should have told them! Really? Grrr … so the monthly white board is going to make it's way out and I'm going to stick to it this time, no ifs and or butts!

Now to figure out what I'm going to do for the rest of the month. If I only could get a few extra hundred bucks a month and stash it away … LOL.

Well after the boys and I stalled as long as we could we came home to find Rick in the back room. That's fine by me I'll get dinner ready and take care of the boys. Got everyone taken care of, even brought dinner into grumpy boy! Who was being very sweet earlier in the day and got me an anniversary present early. He bought me my Clinique make-up along some really cool bonus gifts. Thanked him for the gift, he grunted … we're on our way to a brighter day!

Now to get the boys to bed!

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