Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Caden!

Wow my little man I can't believe you're 1! I loved watching you grow over this last year, learning all these new foreign things. I watched as you learned to roll over, as your first tooth came in, as you learned to crawl, your first words Dadda, Mamma and then byby and now as your learning to walk. Time is flying by and I'm soaking up every moment of your wonderful life. I wish the best life for you and that you can do anything you put your mind to. Love ya little man, now I must go act crazy cleaning the house getting ready for your party.
Love Mom

I found this poem and just had to share by Jill Eisnaugle © 2007:
Teddy bears and seas of blue
Smiling in honor of you
An infant, not long ago
Now, one candle is aglow
You are growing up so fast
How quickly a year has passed
You are special, sweet, and wise
A present before our eyes

For a year, I've watched you shine
An angel I can call mine
Sent from Heaven, just for me
Filled with hope and dignity
A blessing, now and always
You brighten all of my days
Precious child, I love you so
More than anyone could know.

Baby's breath and sun-filled skies
Ladybugs and lullabies
Starry nights and bright moonbeams
Tender hearts and lasting dreams
Each, a gift within your view
During this time, made for you
May only good thigs come your way
On this, your very first birthday.
© 2007 – Jill Eisnaugle's Poetry Collection

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