Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Clean Carpets to Baking Cakes close to Midnight

I woke up around 2am to find Rick sitting in my new arranged front room. Now I'm not talking about a little move, I'm talking about the couch now in front of the window and my table and coffee table is moved to the opposite wall. Now it looks great but the mirror I have on this opposite wall looks wrong because it was centered with the couch under it. Since we have the new couch it fits perfect under the window, our previous couch was a little bigger (and oh so much uglier) so it didn't fit perfect under the window. So when we set up the living room we centered the mirror for that couch on that wall. Oh well it looks very nice in there and the topper is Rick cleaned the carpets! They look beautiful, now to keep them looking like that for 5 days (keep fingers crossed).

After giving him praise on working so hard, only if I could get that when I do my daily clean-up (you know the one he never notices but say how dirty it always is)! I head back to bed, the alarm clock is going to go off soon and I'm over my praise quota for the day already!

Alarm went off I swear as soon as my head hit the pillow, popped up and back to the daily grind. Work was a little crazy towards the end as usual, and Ms. Susan ride wasn't there. I dropped her off at home on my way to daycare, picked the boys up and did a quick run to the grocery store. I really think that something happens as soon as we get the grocery store, Cole turns into crazy little boy. He of course wants everything and gets very loud. Then add in my mom calling me on my cell and the antics go thru the roof. It's like competing for my attention, but anywhere else we play and could careless about mom. Something about phones and supermarkets … hmmm yeah that's a dream going by myself. Hello 18 + more years of fun shopping trips.

I haul the boys in and I'm not sure what is wrong with Caden, because he's crying nonstop. And my angle child is telling me "I didn't do anything", yeah right just wait buddy until he's big enough to hit back. Payback is going to be sweet revenge. So here I am with one crying kid, one screaming that he is "Starving" and a load of groceries. And the neighbors wonder why I always have a scowl on my face; this might be why they only talk to Rick. I unload everyone plus the groceries, help Cole make his little pizza's he had to have and get Caden's food ready. The whole time he is screaming, so I finally make a cool bottle of milk and we sit down. That seemed to finally do the trick, maybe too much time out in the sun today. I then pour myself a bowl of cereal (Rick is working an event) and bird mouth Caden is standing right there.

After a quick bowl I grab some shredding I'm needing to do for my grandfathers estate, with the help of Cole and Caden the shredder makes a horrible noise and I figure it's time to go back to sorting the boxes and boxes I have of granddad's paperwork. No joke my grandparents were savers I have found actual checks that were cashed from the 1950's and it's not just every other year or so it's every month up to the time he passed in 2006. We won't even go there about the house it took us almost a year to clean out. I should have been doing this for a while now since it's been in my garage like 4 months, but nothing like the presence to start it. So with the great help of the boys I went threw another box, sorted into shred and recycle piles. Then I put both boys to bed and cleaned up a little.

I started to get ready for bed and "oh crap" I forgot to bake the Caden's 1st Birthday cake to take to daycare tomorrow. So her I am 11pm and baking a cake, thankfully I'm not all Martha Stewart like my mom and make everything from scratch, I'm a box kind of girl! Hey at least I made a cake, right? I can frost it in the morning, along with turn on the sprinkler I forgot to turn on for the back yard. Yes, the one I promised Rick I would run every night for at least an hour so it will be ready for Saturday. Welcome to my life of backing cakes at midnight or close enough and watering at 6am! I'm sure I'll have more fun stories tomorrow! I'm finally hitting the bed before it hits me!

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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!