Monday, July 28, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday ... (Now you have that Go-Go song in your head)

Just another crazy Monday, Rick was exhausted from coming home late last night. So he decided to come home early to get some sleep. Monday was my usual crazy day so I got out of work late. I picked the boys up and did a little shopping around town to keep the screaming away from the house.

Our first stop was the post office to drop off a movie that Rick has been "meaning" to watch for a week. He won't even notice I sent it back, a girl needs to protect her queue. Especially when the new Lost Boys movie will be out on Tuesday. I'm a huge 80 movies fan and Lost Boys was one of my favs. After that we headed to the grocery store for more milk. Now that Caden is on milk we go thru it like gang busters! I'm not a fan of milk so I barely ever by it, but now I think I may need to buy a milk cow in my backyard. Hmmm ... it could eat the grass, so I don't need to mow which mean less gas and milk in the backyard would save gas for me driving to the store also. Now only if I would get up in the morning to then milk it, nope I think I'll pass. Good thought though .

One last stop at Target for diapers and then home. Oh wait I need to mail Rick's car payment, stop at the post office to find they don't have a machine to buy just one stamp. I don't want a whole book, GRRRR ... guess I'll go during work tomorrow.

Home we go, where I can get everyone dinner and hopefully gave Rick enough time to sleep. It was a nice laid back night, Caden went to bed early and the boys watch a Blue Angel Rick had DVR'd. I was able to curl up on the bed and watch "Saving Grace". A perfect night! Plus I may even fall asleep before 11pm! Yippee here I go.

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