Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ahhh Sunday ... Time to relax right??

Time to relax right? Yup Caden didn't get that memo, he was up at 6:30am and nothing was working he was just a grumpy butt. Nothing worked and he was refusing to go back to bed even though he was rubbing his eyes like no tomorrow. Then the terror Cole gets up to, it doesn't look like we'll be going to take a nap anytime soon today. I was so exhausted it was a cereal morning for everyone, no waffles today.

I finally got Rick to move around 1:30pm and then he slowly moved towards the door to take the tuxes back. Cole and he went to the mall while grumpy butt and I hung out around the house. Rick was working yet another event tonight, thankfully at the T-Dome so he didn't have to leave until 5:30, but this event was going until 2:30am! Great I get grumpy butt and crazy one all by myself. Outside we went to enjoy the fresh air and play a while. It got a little chilly so I wrapped myself in a blanket and was able to read for awhile. Then grumpy couldn't take it any longer so inside we went for dinner and then everyone crashed around 7:30pm. Yeah for momma, I was able to watch TV in peace. It was a good TV night, Army Wives and the finally of the next food network star. Oh yeah I'm so going to bed on time tonight, to start yet another great week!

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