Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rick on Crack ... LOL just playing be he has the energy of a kid!

What a busy day, we are in full party mode. Rick was up late last night mowing the lawn and cleaning up the flower beds in front. When I left for working this morning it was so nice to walk out and see the pretty front lawn. I found the trick I need to hold more parties; it puts Rick into a frenzy to get the house cleaned up. It does put him in a rather cranky mood but he does get a lot done.

So today I was sent on a mission to pick up more flowers? Really do we need more flowers, it's just a birthday party and the way it looks a lot of people aren't going to show . Poor Caden his 1st birthday party will be lots of fun, just not as big as Cole's parties, the luck of having a July Birthday vs. an April Birthday. Back to the task at hand, I pick the boys up and stop by Lowe's. You know this penny pincher went right to the clearance rack I grabbed 5 of the 6-pack flowers, think this will be more then enough, right? Get up to the check out and find out that it is an additional 75% off, right on! $4 and I are done! Drop off some books at the library and home we go.

I unload the car and start some dinner before Rick gets home. He walks in and the first words out of his mouth are "That is all the flowers you bought?" Really are we starting a botanical garden? Then he bust out with 5 hanging baskets? Where the heck did those come from and where does my husband … who is this man want to plant hanging baskets? I guess he is right I buy things and then put them some where and forget all about them. I have a condition of "It's on sale, so I must have it" no matter if it is something that will sit in a bin in the "man garage". Ok another thing to add to the list to work on … "self-improve".

Rick some how tapped into Cole's energy and went back outside to work in the yard. Thankfully it stays late until 9:30 or 10 these days, so he had a good 1 ½ hours of daylight to water and plant his beautiful baskets. He even ventured out to the backyard to soak the lawn back there, keep your fingers crossed it starts to look nicer by Saturday. If not Rick may have a freak out and making us all stay in the front yard. He then came in and of course was all worked up, he cracks me up, and started to move furniture. I finally left him and went so I can get some sleep I'm sure my house will be transformed in the morning.

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