Friday, July 25, 2008

Yet Another Crazy Friday ... Hold on boys!

Today was the day for the phone interview for the after-hours on call answering service. Sounded like a great way to bring in a little cash. The phone interview went awesome I of course was on my game, said all the right things and answered all the questions like I was a pro. Then the start of the fall of the wall … the well we would like you to come in for training, ok I figured I'd have to do some. Well training was in Seattle, ok we can work this and then the hammer came and it would be a week long! Hold on not sure I can swing that, then like a dummy I asked the question I should have started with … How much time are you on the phone? About 45 minutes of every hour. Ok hold up, I was looking for a answering service for one doctor where you were on the phone a few times an hour just to cover. Oh crap this isn't going to work, guess I should have not been paying off bills in my head all week! Total let down. A guy at work did give me a lead for an "On-line Operator" that is only on Friday and Saturday nights from 11:30pm to 1am! Guess I could do that for extra money. Grrr … only if it was easy to find a little side job working from home!

So I decide after work I need to find an outfit for the wedding. Usually I would do this the day of because putting it off until the day helps the self-esteem when you try to squeeze into an outfit and avoid eye contact with the mirror, since it's not showing me how I really look. Yup I love to torture myself the day of an event, so by the time I give up by an outfit and show up a half late I'm always in a GREAT mood! But tomorrow I have the company picnic in the AM and Rick will be leaving early to go to the wedding, so I must shop the day before. I know what a concept.

You know me and coupons … well I got one for Chino's for $10 hey I'm there. So I head over to Avenue found a very nice pair of black pants (Chino's) and a nice teal top for $9.97. Right on out the door around $21 and saved over $45, my kind of deal! Get to daycare around 5:45pm right as Grandma Pat needs to leave for her cleaning job. We pile into the car and off we go. Cole of course loved the park from yesterday and is asking over and over to go there. Not today we need to go to Wal-Mart return the universal charger for the camcorder that of course didn't fit. We did a little shopping, of course first stopping to get something for the boys to eat. I even found myself a $9 pair of black Capri's for the office picnic tomorrow. I was on a roll today, after the return all I ended up paying for was the Capri's.

Another cereal night, after the rehearsal dinner Rick worked yet another event. At least his part-time 2nd job is working out, just keeps him away from home a little too much. It's going to be a long night; Cole does not want to sleep. Joy to me, I may get a little sleep before a crazy day tomorrow.

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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!