Saturday, July 26, 2008

Can you say parties?? Has it been 5 years??

Well of course the one day Caden sleeps in I'm wide awake at 7:30am and ready to roll. Well it gave me time to clean the house before my mom showed up to go to the picnic with me (dad ended up going to Bainbridge, so she was the fill in). Got a few loads of laundry, the dishes and the table cleaned off before the boys got up. I then had to get Rick up so he could go help set the wedding up. Yup that was fun, after running around like crazy getting Rick in the shower and then the boys in the bath; thankfully I showered earlier in the morning. Mom was supposed to be there at 11am so we could get there at 11:30 and leave by 1:30 to get home in time to get ready for the wedding. I was running behind getting dressed and made up and mom was running late she got to the house around 11:30 which was great. We got to the picnic around 12:15 and Cole immediately took Cole over to the swings. Caden wanted to crawl under the picnic benches and I wanted to just have some lunch before I passed out. When it was time to eat I went to find mom and Cole. I should have guessed he was waist deep in the water, Oh crap I should have brought a second set of clothes for him. Mom couldn't get him out of the water, so Caden and I had a bite while they played. Caden was hilarious and instead of sucking on the corn cob he stuck it almost 1/3 of the way in his mouth and waved his hands to get everyone's attention. Oh yeah I have another ham on my hands.

Around 2:30pm I was able to round up everyone to go home. Took the soaking wet shorts off Cole and he had to ride home in wet undies. Thankfully both fell asleep on the way home; unfortunately it was only a ½ hour drive home. Get home around 3pm and I was thinking ok the wedding is at 5pm I can take a cat-nap myself before we have to leave at 4pm. Grabbed the invite to put by my purse and just happened to look down and see it started at 4PM!!! Yup you know it …. No time to give the boys a "real" bath so it was a baby wipes bath and running around getting everyone in new clothes. Then I look in the mirror, not half bad run a curling iron in my hair and change my clothes. Dig out the Jo-Lo jewelry that I bought a few years back, a quick squirt of perfume and off we go. Hey it's only 3:52pm sure I'll make it to black diamond in 8 minutes! Weddings are always a ½ hour late right? I look down at the Google map directions and see they say it takes 45 minutes to an hour depending on traffic … Oh Crap! Usually I try not to speed but today I was flowing with traffic very nicely. Since I usually don't race around ¼ of a tank of gas can last a good amount. But today I take the Black Diamond Exit and start down the creepy woods area and the gas light comes on. Double Oh Crap!! I'm out in BFE, no gas station to see of and Rick doesn't have his cell, plus the wedding surely has started! Then like a light from god, well at least a part in the clouds I see a gas station. Not caring what the cost is I put $15 in just to be able to make it home after the wedding.

Well after rounding around a residential area you come up to the "Lodge", which is a stretch of the name it was a big house with a nice average back yard with a pond and a gazebo. I decide to try to see what I find in the circle driveway. I found 2 cars parked and if I go in at a angle and go up against a bush I can get a spot and not block anyone because that would be rude. We walk into the backyard and everyone is just mingling. Cole find the kids table with Mega Blocks and Caden just wants to crawl, of course too many people to do that. Try to make small talk and get snubbed I decide to go in the house where thankfully they have a couch and a nice carpet area, enough room for Caden to crawl around and feel independent. Finally time for dinner and Rick has to do the line with the bridal party. I have Cole go in with him and Caden rolls around with me. Rick came back to switch with me, of course by this time everyone is done eating so I get to eat by myself. Then Cole and Caden were done with party mode so it was time to leave, even before cake! Head up to the car and you know how I edged myself in so I wouldn't park behind someone, yup you guessed it some jerk parked behind that car not only blocking them but me too! Rick went back down and had them announce that the car needed to move. I had the boys strapped in and finally 10 minutes later the guy walked up the 15 feet to us! Then he proceeded to stand there and look at my car and his, like magically my car was going morph into the Jetson's car and fit sideways out of there! Finally I start my car and put the reverse lights on; I think he got the point. He hoped in his car and then proceeded to sit there again! Then he backed out slowly as Rick walked up to our car and gave me the run down of what was happening tonight, clean up etc. The jerk had the nerve to honk his horn at me! I had to take a deep breath and count to 10 on that one. Along with not shooting him the bird for not even saying sorry or waving; some people really don't get it do they?

Finally get home to relax a little while before getting both boys in bed and then myself. Called Rick and he finally was leaving around 11:30pm, doubt he'll be home anytime soon I'm off to bed!

Oh yeah by the way ... Happy 5th Anniversary Rick! Love ya, maybe next year we can celebrate ... LOL

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