Monday, December 22, 2008

Really I'm a good sport! I just want to WIN!!!

First off before I start my crazy story, I MUST say thank you for all the wonderful SITS lady that have stopped by to say hi. I found this WONDERFUL blog site a few weeks back. Then Sunday comes I get all these comments (which made my heart do a little skip). Come to find out yours truly is featured on the sidebar as one of the Saucy Blogs of the week. Yup I'm dancing around and sing "I'm a Rockstar". Sorry for that mental picture! For any of you who don't know the blog, you must join great place for Mommy's. SITStas unite :). It's on my side bar click on it and sign up!

Yes I'm still in a winter "white" land seriously it needs to stop. It snowed again last night, thanks to dear hubby driveway had been cleared and my car, so this morning I could roll out of the driveway. That was until I hit the giant heap that had been pushed off the road to the edge of my driveway, thank you dear city workers. When we finally made it out of the driveway, thank you Kia I love my four wheel drive. For all of you who laughed at me for a SUV and four wheel drive, a big raspberry coming your way! (That is so much better in person, currently my mouth hurts and the screen is wet).

My beautiful neighborhood:

Today at work I got Brian to count the votes for the Bake Off. Do you think it would be bad if I was to bribe him to make the votes in my way? Just playing ... (Psst Brian I won't tell anyone ... guess this is not the best place to ask that people from work read this). Oh well it's too late anyways Jacob took the list to the engraver to get the wooden rolling pin engraved (The Shengie award, isn't that the coolest ... yup I came up with it). After I got home after picking up the boys and buying my Christmas Exchange gift for work. Which I think is the BEST gift ever! It's a wireless headphone set, an awesome deal regularly $60 and they had them on sale at Rick's work for $20 which is the limit. The exchange is everyone grabs a number either grabs a present or steal one that was open. The person that bought the gift that is stolen the most gets a prize. I so want that prize! LOL I know I'm obsessed with winning. It must be the chubby girl that never got picked for sports or picked last! Now when it's a competition that isn't sports related I go crazy, and I'm so going to win (sorry couldn't let it go).

I plated the cookies tonight, don't they look cute. Merry Christmas everyone, here is your amazing gift yummy cookies and a nice dish you can use again. I even threw in the box so you can store the dish for next year (not because I didn't want to fill up my recycler, nope that had nothing to do with it). Oh geez one more baking project before I can go to bed, I need to make bread. You know since I was at the store yesterday said to myself no I don't need to buy any bread I'll make it (like I do each week). Except this week I baked cookies forgot about baking bread which left Cole with no sandwich for lunch. I then didn't think a thing of it until I got to the school of course with no backpack and no lunch box. (Mental Head Slap here) Call Rick can you stop by and buy sandwich for Cole. When I picked him up the cheese and the "salad" (the lettuce) were in the box ... he told me he wanted my bread for his sandwich tomorrow. NO problem I'm sure it's my bread and not the fact that I cut it into a dinosaur each day. I leave you with some more pictures. What out crazy mom with a camera.

Time to plate all those cookies. This was the best way I think.

The wreath look, didn't really care for that.All wrapped up in Press and Seal, just don't try to take it off to add more cookies. Not the prettiest sight. It's like putting control top panty hose on, lord be with me. But once there on don't breath because they might shoot off like a rubber band!
See I use the bins Rick! Yes that is Scooby Doo Costume, it's filling the void. Don't ask why the costume is still out, it's a sore subject at the house my Mr. Clean (hubby).

The boxes that I'm giving as part of my gifts ;). Bread Started! (Yes it's the Semi Homemade way I use a breadmachine)

I like to keep my wobbly arms, no muscles for this girl! LOL I'm ready! Popping right out of the breadmaker.

Thankfully it's a dome lid, let's it rise just right!
Bread done, of course I need to try it.
(Yup total Carb freak and butter of course)


  1. The worst part about all the show we've gotten is that is is now so cold that it has totally frozen!

    I have been coveting a breadmaker the past few weeks. You bread looks delish!

  2. Yeah I live in Washington and its snowing like crazy here. Its supposed to snow again tonight! I've almost had to walk to work a couple of times.

    Oh and that bread looks so delicious!


  3. Here from SITS! HAppy Saucy week.

    I wish we had snow....Just freezing cold air here.

    The cookies and bread do look yummy!!!

  4. Mmmmm, homemade bread. I'm drooling over here.

  5. There is absolutely nothing better on earth than homemade bread slathered with butter. I'm drooling just thinking about it !

    Happy SITS day!

    BTW, I live in Maine and this past weekend brought up THREE FEET of snow. I'm sort of sick of winter...and it's ONLY just begun.

  6. happy sauciness! and when can i expect my goodies??

  7. Oh man, that bread looks fabulous.

    Hey my verification word is "pants"


  8. Thank you so much girls for stopping by and saying Hi. The bread was very yummy, Rick walked in and asked your going to eat that piece. I gave him the hairy eyeball and went and curled up on the couch by myself. See if I cuddle with you! Hope you all stay safe and dry :).

  9. Wow, does that bread ever look delicious!

    (Stopping by from SITS.)

  10. The sun was out yesterday and today, so ours is melting like the wicked witch of the NE...

    Cookies look great, and I love your panty hose squeezing yourself into an old pair of stretch pants and they just keep rolling down, and down...

    Oh, and I would put more butter on my piece of bread...

  11. Yuuuuummmmmyyyyy!!!!

    By the way, my daughter's name is Alexis. Love that name! :)

    Stopping by from SITS.

  12. Ahh thanks girls, it really is one of my favorite recipes and the easiest. Thanks to the internet I've found so many yummy bread recipes.

    Chef E I'm so glad someone got the panty hose reference ... LOL. Mental image of stretchy pants rolling down is now engraved in the mind ... LOL ;)

  13. I know the snow is yucky, but that picture was beautiful!

  14. Yeah, I saved a few pairs for years after having kids, and friends would comment that it was time to give them up after squeezing myself into them, ha, darn those kids and the people who go right back to their skinny selves after popping them out!

    Use butter to slide those suckers right back on...I'm so bad *giggling*

  15. Congrats on being featured at SITS!
    Have a Great Day SITSta!
    Merry Christmas!

  16. Congrats on your Saucy Blog!

    The picture of the snow looks so pretty and the bread and butter looks delicious!

  17. Ahh girls thank you for stopping by I just can't seem to say it enough! I wish I could send you all little loafs of bread, maybe if I get real crazy bored (LOL I know) I'll do that :).

    Hope you all can stop by again!

  18. Stopped in from SITS...I loved reading your post. That is so sweet that your son only wants to eat your bread.

    Have a merry Christmas and enjoy your holiday!



Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!