Sunday, December 21, 2008

The "Semi" Homemade Way

I'm happy to say we survived the drive and Wal-Mart shopping. We ran into the usual grumpy people that think anyone walking is in need of some of their grumpiness. I'm sad to say I even had to walk in front of a lady that huffed at me a few times, now I only needed to go once but since when I said excuse me and she looked at me like that third eye appeared and then huffed at me. Really there was 2 people that just walked in front of you, but the person who says excuse me and smiles at me gets the huff, so take that I'll walk in front of two more times and even say excuse me all times ... LOL. Take that, yup the inner child of mine just took over.

Wal-Mart is like Costco I go in for a few items and end up with a cart full. Really what the heck did I buy for $100. I guess enough to make cookies for an army! I use to every year make everything from scratch, after testing and trying I have found that Betty Crocker mix is the best way. Plus you can build off the mix, which is exactly what I did. I was so taping into my inner Sandra Lee (who is from Washington, just had to throw that in).

I'm happy to say the kitchen is clean, I even washed each dish after each cookie. Let's make sure Rick knows that, we won't let him know I had to since I reused the bowls each time. Yup let's just let him go on believing I listen to him. I even learned a new trick today, I ran out of sprinkles and the store was out. I was reading Cathy at Semi happy Homemaker who had a great idea on how to make sprinkles. Now I know this is probably a mental head slap, but really I didn't think about it. She took sugar and added (now get this) food coloring! Oh shhs I can't be the only one that was like way cool idea! So I'm now the proud owner of green sprinkles, kicking butt! Sorry been around the boys all day, really I need some adult conversation before I go loony.

So here is what I made today:
Eggnog Spritz Cookies (Which I did in regular cookie form, since my cookie press isn't working. Ok I can't figure it out, I had to have it bought the very expensive one and it's a pretty thing in my drawer. Rick are you happy now I admitted it? Thankfully he never reads my blog and will never know).
Plus a box kit for Fudge that looked yummy since it said cookies and cream.

On the weather update we are now getting even more snow. I think we're up to 7 inches, ok I know in some area's that is nothing but again I'm in Washington and that is so not the norm! I can't wait to drive to work tomorrow, I so think I'll make Rick take me and the boys!

So here we go, let the cooking (Semi Style) Start.

Ok I'm ready to start, I have everything I need right?

What I used for the Holiday Snickerdoodles

These turned out to be my favorite, Eggnog Cookies.
What I used for the Easy Peanut Butter Blossoms
Peanut Butter Candy Bars (minus the chocolate, I used the rest of the kisses)
See boys this is so much more fun then playing right? Cheap labor pay in cookies to unwrap the Hersey Kisses for me.

Yeah someone else gets to unwrap.

What I used for the Mexian Hot Chocolate Cookies. Very Yummy!

So technically the fudge wasn't semi it was packaged all I had to do was mix it, but come on I did the rest. As I'm cleaning up I turn around and find this. Do you think someone got into the chocolate?
And I thought I got out of unwrapping this time. Forgot about the bar cookies!
Am I done yet? 4 types of cookies, 2 things of fudge and 1 bar cookie.

Thanks to my taste testers. Who told me everything was Yummy except the Eggnog Cookies where just So-So. I told them I think it's an adult thing, I loved them.


  1. Congrats on being saucy! I hate going to wallmart!! It's miserable!

  2. omg, you've been busy! Congrats on your sauciness!

  3. Hi! I'm popping over from SITS. Congrats on being SAUCY! I had to laugh at your Wal Mart much like mine. I always buy more than I intend to!

  4. Thanks girls for taking the tme to check me out, ok that sounded weird. Let's go with Thank you for reading my blog, much better. I want you to come back, don't want you to think I'm weird. Oh geez I think my rambling might just tell you that, well if your ever in need of a good laugh stop by!

    Yup Wal-Mart is always a challenge be it the people or how many times I tell myself it's ok it's on sale. But really will I ever use it?

    It's the OCD if I didn't bake I might have ate everything in the house and since I can't find the chocolate and my neighbors house isn't made out of gingerbread. This is the next best thing :)

  5. Beautiful cookie spread! Congrats on being saucy!

  6. Congrats on being Saucy! Walmart are I are enemies!!!

  7. YUMMMMMMY!!! I love Christmas baking and it looks likeyou had your hands full!

  8. OMG I'm coming for cookies! Looks fabulous!
    Another "easy cookie": ring pretzels, kisses, and m&ms-lay an unwrapped kiss in each pretzel ring, bake 5 minutes or so until melty but not melted, and before it re-hardens, top with a m&m. my kids love 'em.
    Got to you from SITS.

  9. Looks like a lot of work...but the finished product looks worth it. Yum yum!

    Merry Christmas and congrats on being Saucy this week!

  10. Oh YUM! I love the idea of buying mixes to save time when baking cookies. That totally rocks. Of course I love the Betty Crocker recipes anyway. Congrats on being Saucy!

  11. Oh my were you ever busy!!! I just can't stand huffers ;)
    Have a great day today!

  12. Hey there saucy sitsta! Those cookies look delicious!

  13. If people do not want to fight the crowds I say stay at home grumps! I love the line up on the counter...looks like me...I saw the banana cookie recipe, and it is on my list of 'to do' the awards up, thanks, I guess if I had thought a little more about that I could have figured it out...but my brain is in the kitchen mostly...Happy Holidays!

    Ramble on you Saucy babe!

  14. Oh girls you make me smile when I saw all the comments! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    Thanks for the recipes and love! I hope you all will stop by again, there is always something crazy going on here.

    Snow Angels coming to you!

  15. Want to hear something son was so annoyed with my picture taking and blogging...he kept laughing at me too! They are just big ole boys when they grow up too Alexis!

  16. Chef E that means I have something to look forward to? Nothing is going to change ... LOL.

    You could have let me down easy, but no you just burst the balloon. Ha-Ha :)

  17. Wow, nice cookie spread! I enjoyed the build up, and final presentation.

  18. Thanks they actually turned out pretty good this year. We won't talk about what happened a few years back. Let's just say that I ended up going to bed and Rick cut up (yes I said cut) the tube version with reindeers or something like that! I will leave you with that mental picture :).

  19. Wow-I'm impressed ...all that baking with little one. Love your blog! Congrats on making the Saucy listing!!

  20. OMG those look amazing. now i am hungry.

  21. Can I come over and test cookies too??? Looks like you were a very busy gal!!! Congrats on being a saucy blogger this week!
    Happy Christmas!!

  22. Those look delicious. You've been busy! I'd love to know how you doctored the eggnog and the Mexican hot chocolate ones.

  23. Ohhhhh.....I'm SO HUNGRY. That killed me. I'm at my moms and all I can find is pepperoni and celery. I want to rip into all that food you have! Keep it saucy!

  24. Thank you again for stopping by girls, your all welcome to come over for cookies. Well that might be hard for some so have a virtual cookie, not the bad kind of cookie that blogs down your system but the good yummy tasting and smelling one.

    Big Hugs for all you for stopping by! Hope I made you laugh or even chuckle :)

  25. Wow that's a lot of cookies!!

    You're boys are adorable.

  26. Thanks M! I've been told they were yummy, I'm very proud and have stayed away. Ahhmm ... I won't talk about the cookies and treats at work :).


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!