Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Award

Wow girls you're all so amazing with these awards. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate them and your friendships. Along with coming and reading about my crazy life and laughing along with me. Even if it's you laughing at me, I'm going with along with, OK :).
Now to pass this out to my friends, oh boy I'm so bad at picking and choosing. Telling you it's the fat little girl who would get picked last in school for the lovely sport of the day! Sorry went into a child trauma ... LOL
Here is what someone along the line had to say about the award (I know it's so the telephone game).
The Friends Award is given to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and to be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. The hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.
And the award goes to:
I must return the award to Cammie @ Life in the house of no sleep..... I love her blog it makes me giggle and know that she is the true definition of the award. Thank you!!
Chef E @ The Behind the Wheel Chef (Plus 5 other amazing blogs), this amazing lady has become part of everyday life. I've been blessed to meet this GREAT lady that makes me sick how great she cooks and how she tells me it's Easy. Mind you she'll list off like 10 items (that of course she has in the cupboard) that makes my face go blank and I can just hear her groan threw the email!
Debra @ Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History another amazing mom that has become part of my everyday life. I really don't know what I wouldn't do with out her comments that make me smile and sometimes laugh so hard that pop has come out (oops I wasn't suppose to admit that out loud!
Felicia @ http://www.gograhamgo.com/ she is another amazing mommy blogger. I look forward to every new comment from her and her blog! She makes me smile and giggle and I thank her for making me know I'm not crazy.

Misadventurous Mommy @ My Mommy Said this mom rocks and her stories make you laugh. You must check her blog out!

Sorry if I left anyone out, I love so many blogs and want to make sure you're all highlighted. Thanks for all the wonderful awards and comments. I love checking each day to see I have comments, when I started this blog I never thought people would actually want to read about my crazy life. I so love sharing my world and the fun things I make. Thanks for being part of it.
** Editor Note **
I didn't look at my saved version before this went out and it looks like a person I had on the original post is missing. I'm so sorry Girlie!
Shalee- Be Speechless is another amazing blogger that makes me giggle and she's on a mission to follow a picture everyday for 365 days! I give it to you girl, even with kids it's hard to do a picture everyday! I guess I need to bake more to show pictures ... LOL Again my dear I'm so sorry I missed you, my computer keeps "restoring" the page. Just another thing giving me a raspberry.


  1. Congrats to everyone! :D
    You are all amazing! Have a fantastic day!

  2. Another Award??? How many are there out there? Okay that is it I am making up another one 'Sister Saddlebags' how bout that, and thanks!


  3. I reread and you had a great TMI moment 'come out' HA!

  4. you are so very welcome! You make me giggle as well.

  5. This is like Christmas again! Thanks, thanks, thanks! I feel like I have known you girls my whole life!E - you should be a stand up comdedian. Checking the blogs is now the first thing I do now when I get home from work now (well, actually I pee than I blog). Ha,ha

    xoxoxoxo to all my hot sexy sista's!

  6. I finally remembered to add this today...and *bow* this humble crazy chef will wear it proudly...I love you guys!

  7. I feel like a total ass for not doing this sooner...but thank you so so much for this award...means so much to me!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!