Monday, January 5, 2009

Why Did I even do my hair? (Make Something Monday)

Make Something Monday
Well technically I made this last night, but I'm blogging about it Monday :). Of course I need to tell a story first, so weed down to the bottom for my goods that I made.

Yesterday after the kids literally driving me batty I decided it was time to venture out. I bundled all the kids up, poor Caden was in 3 layers! He looked like a mini Michelin Man, he could barely put his arms down. When we got in the car little flutters of snow started coming down. I was like no biggy boys yesterday it did the same thing we'll be fine. On our way there Anngie called and decided to turn back, I'm like oh girl it's nothing but a little snow. Well let me tell you, we got to the Zoo around 4:30. Tarra was running a little late, so we sat in the car watching the flakes get bigger and bigger. I looked over and saw it was sticking, now isn't this going to be pretty with the lights and all the snow! SUCKER, yup Mother Nature was making fun of me, you see the flakes was her sticking her tongue out at me! Cole turned to me and said mom God is making it snow, an hour later he said God you can stop making it snow. Got to love kids thinking.

So we venture to the gates which were closed and we had to wait in line, thinking no worries were members it's easy. Again SUCKER snow was coming down in heaps, I had Caden wrapped in two blankets where just his little eyes were visible. They open up on member line and then a second, as I try to walk over to the open window you know since i was second in line. The lovely gentleman behind me sidesteps me and steps in, Happy Holidays to you too!

Even though it was SUPER cold the scene was gorgeous, the lights with the snow was a sight to see. We actually were there until 6:30pm walking around, mind you my cute boots are so not "Winter" boots, so every step I took I had lovely squish of water come up between my toes.

Along with my wet glove from wiping the snow off Caden every few minutes. It was so funny you see these little eyes and a snow cap that covered the blanket. We stopped and got hot coco which mind you was in such a cute little kids cup. Did I mention that cute cup was $3.50!! Yup told the boys hold onto those with your dear life. The same cup that later when we got into car I look at Roy where is your cup. Shoulder shrug I threw it away! You threw away a heavy duty plastic cup? The same one I told you to hold on to? Same shoulder shrug (ugh mental head slap).

What an amazing experience it was cold but for the most part the kids loved it and minus my wet soaks and brittle fingers (that I thought might need to be amputated) it was a lovely night.
What was even better was the smell when we opened up the front door, no silly it was a good smell. I had the Pot Roast going in the crockpot (recipe on the bottom of post) and the new bread recipe in the breadmaker was done too. Dinner was a success Roy even had seconds! I guess I do something right ... LOL.

On a side note - Host people rescheduled for tonight, fingers crossed it goes well.

P.S. Another side note the snow melted by 10pm last night, talk about Mother Nature giving me a Raspberry! =D

I'm ready to leave the house! Why did I even do my hair will be the question I ask soon! So pretty look it's starting to snow.
Caden Bundled up!
Mommys are ready!
The Boys in the snow.Got to do the Shark Jaw Picture.
Impromtu Snow Ball Fight.
Feeding the Goats
How nice is that a beach scene with snow.
Not so pretty, the parking lot!
The start of the Pot Roast
Apples on the bottom.
Out of the broiler and into the crockpot. Look It's Ready!

Cook Time: 12 hours,
4 lb. pork loin roast
salt and pepper
6 apples, cored and quartered
1/3 cup apple juice
3 Tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. ground ginger

Preparation:Trim roast well, then rub roast with salt and pepper. Brown pork roast under broiler to remove excess fat; drain well.

Place apple quarters in bottom of 4-6 quart crockpot. Place roast on top of apples. Combine apple juice, brown sugar, and ginger. Spoon over top surface of roast. Cover slow cooker and cook on Low 10-12 hours, until done. Slice to serve. Serves 8-10


  1. Wow...that roast looks wonderful. I never would of thought about apples in there...yummy.

    The pictures are in Fl we have no snow..

  2. LOL!!!! You are cracking me up as always! I love the pics.. those poor guys are freezing!!!!

    Yummy!! I'm coming over for dinner!

  3. My stomach just growled as I looked at this. You are a domestic goddess!

    On another note, wonder where E is tonight? She has not been out to play. I miss her on the playground. ;-(

  4. You two- *yawn* here I 'iz...tired...funny you and I on the same wave length with the pork loin, only mine got cranberry/white chocolate stuffed...

    Being the Ex-hairdresser (still have the license to drive the scissors though)I think your hair looks cute...there was a time when fluffed hair was Texas we called it big hair...oh maybe that had rats in it!

  5. great pics! PS--I have an award for you today!

  6. oh my gosh that looks FREEZING!! how can you handle that much cold?


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!