Thursday, March 5, 2009

FFFF #16: Home Sweet Home


My amazing Friend Diana at Diana Rambles has this amazing FFFF that run each week from Friday to Thursday. Yes I know I'm pushing it but I always have so much to post at the start of each week! Ok so here it is Home Sweet Home. We were one of the lucky ones that bought when the housing market was good before it went crazy and ballooned. I also stuck to my guns about buying a bank repo that needed to be fixed up for our first house. Rick of course wasn't keen on this idea but he came around, yes he had to do most of the work with my dad. Stop rolling your eyes (@@) I was 6 months pregnant :). So girls here is our little fixer up, mind you Rick tore down the deck on the side last weekend, no updated pictures yet. Plus it looks icky now with the weather, but his is after we landscaped. We've put in all new carpet and wood floors, painted the whole house (plus patched all the wholes those people loved molly screws). New appliances and also the bathroom (you'll see pictures below of that). Welcome to my house :).

Before Front yard.
Chain link Fence and ugly tree and shrubs

New grass, split rail fence, 10 YARDS of top soil, new bark and new plants!
Plus the new door but that was from the stupid kid that broke into my house and busted it! Another story!!
Back yard before, Yikes huh?

Back yard new plants, new sod, new tree and a grape harbor on the side
Bathroom before. The toilet leaked and we found that the floor was not floor but sheet rock!! Yup you heard me right! Had to rip it all out and start new.
New bathroom, tile floors, new vanity, new toilet, new shower insert. That had to go in thru the wall, so I also got new siding on that side of the house :).

So there is is my humble little home :). would love to have you over for dinner sometime!!


  1. What a great house! It looks so wonderful on the outside now. I am sure you all love it and the neighbors must be thrilled to have such a lovely home near them now!

    Great job!
    Thanks for sharing, I am a follower so I can't wait to see the rest.

  2. Oh your house looks I know where you live MUWAHAHA.... just playing :D

  3. Great house Lex!

    My ex-husband and I bought this huge old run down Victorian house that I fell in love with from the moment I set eyes on it. It was in terrible condition and we knew that it was a stretch that we could do the work ourselves but after almost a year of blood, sweat, and many many tears we finished it and it was amazing! It was the saddest day of my life when I moved out after the divorce! But there is definitely something to be said for doing it you such a sense of pride!

  4. WOWA!
    thats a lot of work done!

    i kinda dug the dandelions. lol

  5. beautiful home! call me crazy but your grass is gorgeous... i have this thing with green supple looking grass that feels good on my feet. ok, im shutting up now, i know im a weird one!

  6. Those dandelions could have been harvested for dinner! Unless a dog pee'd on them, speaking of Pee wait till you read my newest TMI post!

    I love the shower curtain, like entering the streets of Europe and you could do some naughty fantasizing with Rick in there *snort laughing* with those new toys of yours, lol, did you christen the house after wards? lol, hey no blushing on this end :)

  7. And I would LOVE to come over for dinner. Thanks for the invite. What will you be cooking? :)

    Seriously, though, your house looks amazing. As I was reading through your post, my mind kept flashing to Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Did crazy Ty Pennington visit you?

    Your home is indeed lovely.


  8. Your house is gorgeous! I love before and after pictuers. We remodeled just about everything in our first house. Bathrooms, kitchen, doors, crown molding, laundry room, floors, lighting, koi pond, you name it. I miss that house so much. We moved to a bigger house and are in the process of redoing this one now. It is never ending! Ha,ha!

  9. Oh, and I want that shower curtain!

  10. I love it! What a fantastic job ya'll did! I love the beautiful landscaping! Can you guys come fix up my place now????

    Lovin your shower curtain too!


  11. oh..just wanted to tell you I snuck out of my husbands bday party to see if you had posted! lol! Am I crazy or what?

  12. I am new here! What a great blog :)

  13. First I create a stalker award for you. I think procrastinator is NEXT! LOL!

    OK...what an amazing transformation! Talk about curb appeal! It's GORGEOUS!!! Great job...not get out and pull some weeds.

  14. Your place looks great! I love that you wanted a fixer upper-it's always fun to fix up a home the way you want it. :-)

  15. love the new house look. You guys did a great job!

  16. I have that same shower curtain and white bath mat!!! Great minds eh? :D Your house looks great!

  17. OH WOW! Awesome changes!!! Looks fantastic! =D


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!