Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ... Did Bob the Builder Invade my house?

Bob "Cole" the Builder
Bob "Caden" the Builder
Rick's going to kill me for posting this!


  1. Ahhhhh....that was great!!!! I am still laughing.

  2. oh i LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    next week im doin a wordless wed.

  3. "Bob the builder. Can we do it? Bob the builder. Yes we can!"
    Thanks, now THAT will be playing in my head all day, lol.
    What handsome men you have!
    P.S. Thanks for your lovely words on my blog! Made me blush and say, "Awe, shucks." ;)

  4. How funny is that?

    My fiance would kill me if he knew I put his drunk pictures up too, but it's all good...I figure as much as he gets on my nerves he deserves a little revenge!

  5. I love that you posted Rick's picture! LOL! I have many many stupid pictures of my husband in the same kind of poses...too funny!

  6. What a good sport. They always make the 'bestest' daddy's.

  7. Ok...Rick the Builder needs his own show! lol! Caden and Cole Builders can be his builder buddies! LOVE this post!

  8. Hahahaha! I love the last picture! I've posted so many embarrasing pics of my hubby that now he says he has to approve any picture I post!

    LOVE IT!

  9. LOL cute pictures, love the last one :)

  10. You are in trouble!! Hey...did you see the new award on my blog? I forgot to put your name...but I am going to edit cause you deserve it!!!

  11. OMG he is so cute and I love his shirt!!! and the glasses of course!

  12. hahaha, That pict of your husband is so funny! Great glasses!

  13. Thanks girls, I'm going to be so dead whenever he sees that I posted that picture. Especially with stains on it ... LOL He's a freak about looking nice.

    I'm glad I can make you all laugh :).

  14. The men in our lives, lol, hey I wrote a post for you over at TMI, Cheap Chic(ks)

  15. LOL!!!!! Yes, Rick is going to kill you!!!!

  16. OMG that's all I can say OMG I would be dead!

  17. OMG that's all I can say OMG I would be dead!

  18. that is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny!!!!!!!!

  19. Tell Rick he is bringing sexy back! LOL! And builder Cole is a little hottie himself!

    P.S. Got my box today! LOVE it! You are just too sweet! and the timing could not be any more perfect. I was having a meltdown with hubby and then I saw the box. ;-) You will never know how much that means to me. I love the cdard as does my son. Ha,ha!

  20. I came back to your blog to take another look at the pictures because they are so cute and realized the 2nd boy is Caden. I thought they were both pics of Cole. Those boys look so much alike and I am such a goober! Ha,ha! You are in a house full of cute boys, just like me!

  21. Debra you crack me up. Yup they look so much a like. I'm telling you even the stupid fish is a boy. Everyone that we've bought and named a girl has died! Yup life just sucks ... ha-ha

  22. LOL such funny pics :)
    Check your email; you won a spa basket.

  23. Thanks for stopping by....

    That picture of your husband is HILARIOUS!!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!