Monday, March 23, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Corned Beef & Cabbage

Make Something Monday

Well Last Tuesday I clung to my 1/8 bit of Irish in me and made Corned Beef and Cabbage. I usually only do this one time a year, I should really do it more often. Well I only think Rick and I like it, Cole is in a huge picky faze. Our dinner times are crying and screaming and that is just me ... LOL. Oh well so here is my favorite one a year meal :).

What you need to start
Stick the Brisket, onion, carrots, seasoning packet and 2 bay leaves in the crock pot.
Add some water
After it's cooked for 8-10 hours add the cabage 1/2 hour before serving.
Ok so this is the first time I did this. So much better no mush ... LOL
Now doesn't that look yummy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yeah!!!! Yummo! Did you get your brisket from Costco?

  3. looks very yummy! you always manage to make me hungrey when i so shouldnt be! haha!

  4. This looks yummy, but then again everything you cook looks yummy and I'm always hungry...coming over here and seeing this just made it worse!

  5. Oh man... that does look yummy... & see its a crock pot... I can do crock pots... noticed the bag too... how did someone not invent those sooner??? Best invention EVER!

  6. And I see you used your Pampered Chef measuring device. I have the same one. I love that thing. Never thought to do this meal in a crock pot though. Remind me of that next year please.

  7. I am not a fan of your treat here today. I smiled as I read it and saw what a wonderful cook you are.

    Have a great day.

  8. Well, I'm not a big cabbage eater (okay, veggies period - I'm still trying to grow up in that department) but it looks like something my hubby and kids would love!! Thanks for sharing!

  9. That really looks good! I'm excited to try it next St. Patrick's day! :-)

  10. That actually does look really good!

  11. When are you coming to live with me? Seriously, you make the most delicious looking meals!

  12. No way.. this looks SOOO good!!! My mom used to make this!!!!

  13. That looks really great! How has your day been?

  14. Oh that looks so good! I love corned beef and cabbage :)

  15. My boyfriend is Irish. He was actually born in Ireland. He hadn't mentioned if he's into Irish food. Better find out and then come back to this post.

  16. I like beef and cabbage. I'm doing a beef and savoy cabbage stirfry with a peanut sauce. Its a bit spicy and I like it over steamed rice.

    I did a braised chicken paprika over egg noodles tonight. It was so good!

  17. Thank you so much for posting this recipe. I am planning on making corned beef via a crock pot tomorrow night and now I don't even have to look for a recipe.

    Just love the Internet! :)


  18. I love love love cornbeef and cabbage.. One of my families favorites! Yours looks sooo YUMMY~

  19. Looks like a simple, fast recipe. I'll give it a try.

  20. That does look good but I get gaggy w/corned beef!


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