Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Palmolive Winners!!!

Yeah Girls sorry for the delay on this post, I got a little sidetracked last night! The 5 winners will be receiving emails shortly from me! They have 48 hours to contact me, if I don't hear back. I'll select again.

P.S. Be sure to check back I have an Afrin Giveaway scheduled for this weekend! I know you're thinking what a product, but we all get sick and hello a little help is always needed! Hey free product is free product, plus I have $3 off coupons that is almost like a free one (I bet you savy CVS shoppers could it get it plus $ back). Ok how is that tease! LOL

Random Sequence Generator
Here is your sequence:
Timestamp: 2009-03-24 18:47:03 UTC

1st winner ~ Gets 3 samples of Palmolive Pure + Clean in Spring Fresh, + 2 coupons for $1 off
36 - Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...
Alas, I have no funny stories about washing dishes........well, none I can think of now.....but, I will say that I'd love to try something that helps keep the skin smooth. I too am cursed with dry skin.......and let me tell you, I'm so glad to be long done with washing bottles!!! They really did my hands in........Anyway, count me in.....March 15, 2009 3:56 PM

2nd winner ~ Gets 3 samples of Palmolive Pure + Clean in Spring Fresh, + 1 coupon for $1 off
72 - News Around The Blogs said...
I have your button!!
March 16, 2009 7:34 PM

3rd winner ~ Gets 2 samples of Palmolive Pure + Clean in Spring Fresh, + 1 coupon for $1 off
66 - shopannies said...
following shopannies@yahoo.comMarch 16, 2009 4:11 PM

4th winner ~ 2 Palmolive coupons for $1 off
46 - gahome2mom said...
I don't think this maybe funny to some but when I was about 14, I used to wash dishes for my step-mummy. lol I went to wash a glass and when I poked my hand inside the glass it broke. I was so happy I didn't cut my hand off. lol gahome2mom(at)gmail(d)com
March 15, 2009 7:58 PM

5th winner ~ 2 Palmolive coupons for $1 off
79 - Simply AnonyMom said...
Blogged it
March 16, 2009 10:07 PM

See it pays to follow and blog about it :). Have fun girls, any way I can save money I'm all over it :)
Oh wait funny stories I loved that will get a little treat from me personally (just a little something, I love mail that's not bills).

cpullum said...
I asked my husband to put the dishes in the dishwasher and then turn off the lights in the kitchen before going to bed. I got up in the middle of the night I was thirsty! I sled into home base when I cam into the kitchen the floor was wet and had bubbles everywhere. my husband came running in and started laughing and I asked him what did you put in the dishwasher he said hand soap !! UGH!!!Carlacpullum(at)yahoo(dot)com
March 16, 2009 10:05 PM

auntrene said...
Ok, first things first, I love your blog, the frogs, monkeys, and adorable boys.. So cute.Bzzz Agent, I just became an Agent my first campaign is on the way and I am excited to get going. My funniest dish washing story happened to a coworker. I was the manager at work waiting for a employee to arrive so I could Go HOME!! The phone rings, late employee, Why will you be late I inquire...Ummmm well I was getting ready to do my dishes about an hour or so ago, and started the water running and um this girl called that I have been wanting to take on a date, Um I took the phone out on the porch to talk to her, we talked for an hour... and Ummm my house, well my kitchen, living room, they are like Ummm flooded...Goodness, thankfully the phone conversation must of worked because they have now been married for 6 years and have 2 little boys. Wonder if he does the dishes.Also I love Palmolive, have not used the pure and clean yet, my new favorite is the Oxy... it works great.March 22, 2009 4:56 AM

Thank you so much for all your funny stories I had a lot of funny ones about the dishwasher and I just had to pick Carla with her descriptive sliding into first base ... LOVE it. And Auntrene her story had me giggling, and hey she was so sweet and went on and on about my blog ... LOL. Yes I love flattery :).

Thank you again for all the bloggy support :).


  1. I won? YIPPEE! I love coupons and this soap looks awesome!! Thank you for a great giveaway!

  2. Maaaan I didn't win I'm taking my toys and going HOME! just kidding.. congrats winners

  3. Congrats ladies! Thanks Alexis! :)
    I look forwards to washing dishes with Palmolive. lol

    Have a great day!

  4. Holy slippery soap bat woman I forgot the detergent AGAIN at the store! I hate loading the dishwasher, because we clean them before we clean them, and I prefer doing them by hand, drying and putting them away!

    I guess no free soap for this dumbie, LOL

  5. Since I did not win, I guess I can't do dishes. Darn! LOL Don't I wish!

    Congrats to the winners!

  6. Yeah to all of the winners. Now they will all have clean dishes.

  7. Darn I finally got the dishwasher loaded, and used some soap on its on for the big guys (pans) :( I will survive I suppose! LOL

  8. Awesome! I didn't win but thats OK its all good. I have a HUGE giveaway on my blog you better come on over!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!