Wednesday, March 25, 2009

(Semi)Wordless Wednesday ... How to open a fruit snack

So mom bought the kids a thing of fruit snacks I told Cole that he couldn't have any until the next morning. Mind you I get up the next morning at 5am to work and found this in the kitchen. It seems my super smart 4 year old thought he would be smart and cut a small part and then sneak the snacks out. Yup I found an empty bag that looked full until I looked closely! Got to love his sneaky little mind!


  1. That is a great mind! Hopefully he will use it for good:)

  2. Sounds like something one of my kids would do...that was pretty smart of him at least you know he's a thinker and a problem

  3. At least the 4 yr old took the scissors to the bag... most of them take it to their hair! :-)

  4. You have your hands full with this little on. I think he is out to do something important in this world. His mind is so open and is always going from the post I read. Too Funny.

    Have a great day.

  5. He is a smarty pants! Wow! I wouldn't have even thought of that-LOL!
    I like what Rebecca Jo said about the scissors-I did that when I was 4. I ended up with some really short/crooked bangs! LOL!

  6. That is too cute LOL I use to do that with chocolates! :)

  7. Make you wonder if they are that sneaky now, how sneaky will they be as teens??!! Yikes!! :D

  8. LOL I have a story like that when I was about 4 involving a bag of marshmellows... He ROCKS ~

  9. A for effort!

    he deserves props.
    hahah love it

  10. Oh my gosh! I would have flipped out about the scissors! :) Kids can amaze u at times cant they!

  11. Hee hee........It all goes downhill from here, right? Oh man.....sounds like something my little TigerBoy will be doing soon!

  12. ROFLMAO!!!!! Smart kid!!!

  13. Oh! This is just the beginning! Those boys are sneaky I tell you! They start young! yup....4 sounds about right...

  14. Oh, I like what I read, but I was expecting a good long read here. This is something that could really take an in depth look...opening packages period, or even when 'adult medicine caps' were introduced that even the adults could not open them...everything is so germ and child proof...more more more more more more more...I know a writer who is I want fruit snacks you sneaky diet basher you!

  15. BTW they learn it from us, as if we are oblivious to our own sneaky ways you know :) Like when I would tell the kids they could only have 'two' cookies, but when they went to bed I ate them all...and they wanted more the next day I had to run to the store :) LMAO

  16. lol! Are you sure he isn't related to me? I think in 20 years we should introduce our kids...they could take over the WORLD!

  17. Looks like the work of a future engineer! Smart fella!

  18. His intelligence is really a testament to your parenting skills.

    Well done!



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