Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Meme's and the Mother of all Summer Giveaways

Ok first before I do the meme's I'm behind on :) I'm so excited to tell you what I have coming up. Usually I keep the giveaways to Saturdays, but I've been given the most amazing opportunity to team up with my girl Allison over at Misadventures in Baby Raising for an amazing week (well a little over a week) of giveaways. The fun part is we'll have opportunities so you can get extra entries for entering on both of our sites! She has some amazing prizes check it out: "Fun in the Sun" upcoming blog party sneak peek!Are but before you head over there check out our button (all the credit goes to Allison) and some of the amazing sponsors I have coming this week.

Now for the extra fun part Allison set the bar and I'm going to follow, Here is what she had to say and I'm going to follow:

If you grab our "Fun in the Sun" button and place in on your blog before June 22nd then you'll receive 5 extra entries into all of my "Fun in the Sun Giveaways". And because it's summer and I'm in a ridiculously amazing mood if you blog about the upcoming giveaway event and include the"Fun in the Sun" button in the post you'll get an additional 10 entries into all of my giveaways! Make sure you come back here and leave me a comment telling me that you posted the button or blogged about it!

I know aren't those some amazing sponsors, I've been working my bum off to get some awesome ones for you!!!! Now I expect you all to stop by and participate :).

Now for the meme, I was tagged with (Ok I was tagged for two more, but they were photo ones and I need to go to work to get photos. I'll post those next week :)

My new friend LADYHIGHTOWER @ Psychic Mama * Indigo Child tagged me for this meme! Enjoy!

Here are THE tag rules:
* List Six Unimportant Things That Make You Happy.* Mention and link to the person who tagged you.* Tag six of your favorite bloggers to play along, and comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been tagged! Here's mine:

  1. The boys not screaming, just playing and having fun
  2. Getting Mail, I love getting mail especially new things to review and things I won!
  3. Finding amazing new recipes to share with you all
  4. Getting Comments from my friends new and old
  5. Rick telling me he's taking the boys for the weekend and I can relax (I know I giggled on that one too)
  6. Cranking a good Pat Benatar, Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin and Beatles Song and oh yeah not having Cole tell me to be quiet my singing is hurting his ears :)

Ok my six would be:

  1. Krisite @ Kristie's Notes

I had such a hard time choosing so I picked the last few people who commented :) I know don't I rock ... LOL. Ok now I must go, hope you all can stop by for all the giveaways starting June 22nd. Much love, Muah Lex


  1. Just wanted to let you know I posted a button for this giveaway week and blogged about it with a button in the blog.

    Wheeeee! What fun we'll have!


  2. Girl!!! I've got the button up.. and I SO want the Switch Flops!

  3. great list and awesome giveaway... im super impressed!

  4. How cool :) and love your list ;)

  5. Hey there Poser,

    I started to read about your boogers on the wall and then my Dad came into the computer and I was logged off. That was gross. You should so post this on my blog tomorrow for my Round Robin Event. I am going to add the button on my blog and post about this when I get back to my computer. Have a great day.

  6. I posted the button on my blog:

  7. So excited! I posted the button :)

  8. I blogged about it, too!

  9. Woo hoo!! So cool! Looking forward to it girly! I'll blog it tomorrow, but you KNOW I've got the button up now! So exciting!

  10. OK, I blogged it tonight. Couldn't wait to share your exciting news!! =)

  11. I posted about the event with the button in the post here:

    I also have the button on my sidebar here:

    jeanilynne at gmail dot com

  12. Button is posted! And, I want the Switch Flops too!! LOL

  13. I also blogged about this event and add the button on my post. Let me know how many times I need to come back and leave a comment.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!