Friday, June 12, 2009

Off Review -

It's that time again, summer time! Time to be outside enjoying the sun and the water! During the summer we love to go up to my parents house and enjoy the sun and the lake! During this fun in the sun we have lots of little pest, the kind that bite and aren't really nice.

When my favorite PR agent Meghan with Edelman asked if I would do a review on OFF!® insect repellent I was too excited. You mean something that will keep those nasty little blood suckers away ... no not the cute Vampire kind or the ones that call me MOM, but those nasty ones that leave bumps all over my body! Bring on any relief PLEASE!

The two products I was able to test out were amazing!!! The first one was the PowerPad® Lamp & Lantern that was so easy to assemble and sat so nice on the table! The boys didn't knock it over or anything. Well Cole did blow it out once but overall it was wonderful! And get this not one mosquito, tick and bug bites! Yup I was in HEAVEN.

Now for the BEST part one PowerPad® Lamp & Lantern is the same as 15 citronella or buckets combined! Yes you read that correct 15! For around $13.99 you can have ONE thing that last the same as 15 of those other that cost about the same! Yup you know this girl, BARGAIN!!! So for your average deck 15ft x 15ft you can be protected from those nasty bugs! Each refill last 4 hours and they come in packs of 3 so 12 hours of protection!
The second product we got to try out was the Clip-On™ Mosquito Repellent . What a cool invention! For the crazy bug freak out like me who HATES bugs. This is the perfect item. You can clip on this cool little gadget and rest assure that you're safe from bugs! Look my friend even wore it around the BBQ party for me. She said it didn't bug (lol love the pun) her at all. And if you want you can clip it onto a chair. Head to Toe coverage for 12 HOURS! You want to know how easy it is to know when it's time to change it! It has a green use up light! Yup EASY!! Another fun thing .... it's FAN POWERED! I know doesn't that rock! So it's odorless, last 12 HOURS and is fan powered! What an amazing little thing huh! Plus they are so reasonable in price: $10 (right now if you go to Clip-On™ Mosquito Repellent you can get a BOGO coupon), refill are really inexpensive too around $4 (coupons for that too at the same place).

Check them out you won't be disappointed at all! I even was invited back for the next BBQ, yes only if I bring my new toys with me! I know they only love me for what I bring. That's ok if that means the bugs leave me along and I don't have to sit in the fire so the smoke keeps the bugs away I'm happy!

A big thank you to OFF!® insect repellent and Edelman for giving me this opportunity I really enjoyed them both and can't wait for my next BBQ invite ;).


  1. oh i am soooo gonna check into some of this... do you have any IDEA how bad mosquitoes and gnats and flies and and and BUGS are in the summer in south ga... bad, real bad!!! happy friday dear!

  2. Ok Missy. I am going to give this a try. We are headed on our annual camping trip to Eastern WA where the bugs are big enough to open the coolers by themselves...I'll let you know how it works!

  3. Awesome review, I really could use this since all summer we are outdoors :) definitely will try it!

  4. in the land of mega mosquitos these would rock!!

  5. I have these to review for Bzz Agent and still they sit on my kitchen table. I do live in Louisiana mosquito heaven, ya know! :)

  6. I am drowning in bugs around my house. I heard about the Off clip on stuff and have been wanting to try it. Thanks for your review!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!