Sunday, November 8, 2009

(CLOSED) Close Encounters of the third-grade kind Book Giveaway (5 Winners)

Are you ready for a book that will have you laughing so hard you're in tears? We all know kids say and do the darnedest things and the teachers that have to deal with them need all the praise we can give them a huge pat on the back or a huge laugh from this book :).

Phillip Done is a 20 year veteran (I love they say veteran because a classroom is like a war at times .. LOL) of the classroom wrote Close Encounters of the Third-Grade Kind. You will die laughing over the rituals of buying school supplies and class list. He has a great way of writing where you feel like you are right there with the distinct personalities of grades K-4 kids. Yes you will nod your head and say oh boy that is my kid. You will learn about a things he has learned from trick or treating 8 y/o boys to kindergartens and why they must trap leprechauns. Take note of what every child should experience before they grow up.

As you read along you will think back to that one school teacher that touched your heart. Mine was in Junior High Mr. A, he was a wonderful man that made you laugh and I'm sure put up with a lot and handled it all with style and grace. Now I hope he remembers me also but not as the one student you never forget. Be all fond memories please, not memories of my crazy mile high bangs or hammer pants ... oh please those were bad years, but I was a good student and very nice :). A wonderful book of the joys of kids the good, the bad and the questionable!


Close Encounters of the Third-Grade Kind

Phillip Done

Thank you to Hachette Book Group for another great book!

Close Encounters of the Third-Grade Kind $22.99 currently on sale at Amazon for 15.63 or on Kindle for $9.99

WIN IT: Hachette Book Group has offered 5 of my readers Close Encounters of the Third-Grade Kind. To enter just leave me a comment about your favorite teacher or something fun you remember about school.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment forEACH:

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  5. Enter my Naturel View Giveaway ($27 Value) by 11/8/09
  6. Enter my Kroger $25 Gift Card by 11/8/09
  7. Enter my Fast Profits in Hard Times Audio Book Giveaway (3 Winners) by 11/8/09
  8. Enter my Rich Dad's Advisors Own Your Own Corporation Audio Book Giveaway (3 Winners) by 11/8/09
  9. Enter my Divorce Sucks Book Giveaway by 11/8/09
  10. Enter my Supreme Courtship Book Giveaway by 11/8/09
  11. Enter my $25 Gift Certificate by 11/11/09
  12. Enter my Stepmonster Book Giveaway by 11/15/09
  13. Enter my Giggle Bug Toddler Tracker by 11/15/09
  14. Enter my Edens Fantasys $25 GC by 11/18/09
  15. Enter my How to Score Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 11/22/09
  16. Enter my Seduce Me Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 11/22/09
  17. Blog about the giveaway or on your side bar (3 Extra Entries)
  18. Post on Facebook and leave me a link (3 Extra Entries)

Giveaway ends 11/22/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win. No Post Office Boxes.

FCC Disclaimer: I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.


  1. I had a teacher named Mrs. T. She was the best she taught me fractions with chocolate..

  2. I actually really liked school. Shopping for school supplies was my FAVORITE! Oh, and I adored math class. Yup. Totally did. And had a pretty rockiin' teacher too.

  3. And I'm in the Eden Fantasy's giveaway!

  4. My favorite teacher was my 3rd grade teacher, she also lived just down the street from me!

  5. My favorite teacher was My Leatherman. He was firm yet could get anyone to learn what he was teaching.

  6. My favorite teacher is my hubby :O) LOL...I totally would LOVE this book. I need some comic relief after spending my days with teenagers! You've seen my KNOW what I mean!

  7. I'm a follower and so lucky to be one!

  8. Love you button - show some bloggy love!

  9. I check every morning for your email updates!

  10. Winning the Naturel Giveaway would be so super cool!

  11. Rich Dad's Advisors....check (on the entry I mean...I don't have a rich dad advisor)

  12. Supreme Courtship looks to be another great laugh! Hope to win

  13. Stepmonster - check (on the entry _ I don't have one of these either)

  14. Giggle Bug STINKIN cute!

  15. Eden giveaway would be a great win for me...

  16. Seduce Me - check! I heart book giveaways!

  17. You know you're gettin' sidebar love

  18. My fave teacher was my math teacher in tenth grade, I had such a crush on him ..
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

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    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  23. 2 networked blog follower
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  24. 3 networked blog follower
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  25. entered naturel view
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  26. entered Kroger contest
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  27. entered $25 Gift Certificate
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  28. entered giggle bug
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  29. My college math teacher is my favorite! She is a great teacher!
