Sunday, November 8, 2009

(CLOSED) Fierce Style Book Giveaway (5 Winners) Calling all Project Runway Fans!!!

I was so excited to get this book, I just love Project Runway. I've always loved a show that shows off people talents. Not a big fan of those cat fight ones (uhhummm Rick who is sitting there watching one!). But Project Runway was always a big deal at the office. Yes people would come to my office and we talk about the last episode. One of my favorite co-workers (yes it's a he and he so loved the show) thought Christian was the bomb! Yes I did just use that phrase! So it was heated topic at our office about designs and who should win. I know because I'm such a fashionista that I can so tell what is right and what is wrong ... LOL

So when I heard this book was coming out I just had to get it one to read it but flaunt it I got it before he did ... LOL. Really I'm cool like that, plus we so have the same glasses well just the shape but I'm claiming it!

Christian Siriano book Fierce Style is filled with great fierce tips, very thought ways to help you become the best in your style and skin. I actually was very impressed by this book, it's not just a book of shinny pictures of people you wish you knew. Of course it has those but it really does have some great tools plus hello a first chapter that is "Lady, you look fabulous" I say is a must keep and read! Even if you're not a project runaway fan or fashionista like me (yes I snorted on that one too) you'll enjoy reading this book and hey might just walk away with some great tips even if it's just one!


Fierce Style

by Robin Wells

Thank you to Hachette Book Group for another great book!

BUY IT: Fierce Style
is $23.99 currently on sale at Amazon for $16.31 or on Kindle for $9.99

WIN IT: Hachette Book Group has offered 5 of my readers Fierce Style. To enter just leave me a comment either about Project runway or just a fun thing to help others with know they are all beautiful.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment forEACH:

  1. Follow my blog
  2. Have my button up on your site
  3. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  4. Sign up for Networked Blogs (facebook - located on the right side) (3 Extra Entries)
  5. Enter my Naturel View Giveaway ($27 Value) by 11/8/09
  6. Enter my Kroger $25 Gift Card by 11/8/09
  7. Enter my Fast Profits in Hard Times Audio Book Giveaway (3 Winners) by 11/8/09
  8. Enter my Rich Dad's Advisors Own Your Own Corporation Audio Book Giveaway (3 Winners) by 11/8/09
  9. Enter my Divorce Sucks Book Giveaway by 11/8/09
  10. Enter my Supreme Courtship Book Giveaway by 11/8/09
  11. Enter my $25 Gift Certificate by 11/11/09
  12. Enter my Stepmonster Book Giveaway by 11/15/09
  13. Enter my Giggle Bug Toddler Tracker by 11/15/09
  14. Enter my Edens Fantasys $25 GC by 11/18/09
  15. Enter my How to Score Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 11/22/09
  16. Enter my Seduce Me Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 11/22/09
  17. Enter my Close Encounters with the Third-Grade Kind Book Giveaway 5 Winners 11/22/09
  18. Blog about the giveaway or on your side bar (3 Extra Entries)
  19. Post on Facebook and leave me a link (3 Extra Entries)

Giveaway ends 11/22/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win. No Post Office Boxes.

FCC Disclaimer: I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.


  1. Oh ME GEE! I love me some project runway! Christian was my favorite I wish I could fold him up and put him in my pocket :)

  2. I follow you...and my bday was yesterday so I better win ;P

  3. I've only seen a few Project Runways but I love this guy. I have seen him on several shows.
    He is so adorable, I would love to read his book.

  4. I have your button because I love to lead others to you.

  5. I have signed up for Networked Blogs so you can see my face everyday on your blog.

  6. I am signed up for Networked blogs on Facebooks.

  7. I follow you on Networked Blogs on Facebook.

  8. I'm entered in your Divorce Sucks Book Giveaway.

  9. I am entered in your Giggle Bug Toddler Tracker.

  10. I posted on Facebook

  11. I posted on Facebook.

  12. I love Project Runway too:) Tatum and I watch it together!

  13. OMG! I *heart* Christian! I knew he'd win. ;) This season was kinda "eh" for me though...but of course I still watch it religiously!

  14. I'm in your Eden Fantasy's giveaway!

  15. and I'm in your Rich Dad's Giveaway!

  16. I'm also entering your Close Encounters giveaway!

  17. Christian's season was the best season Ev-ah!

  18. Oh my gosh, I LOVE projet runway! And Christian was my fav, he was so funny with his "fierceness" lol!

  19. I entered Giggle Bug Todler Tracker giveaway

  20. I hope that Carol Hannah wins this season. I just love her....

  21. When I was pregnant and beached (like a whale) on the couch because I had broken my knee cap - Project Runway was MY LIFE! I totally need the fashion help. I think grey Gap tshirts and jeans are a staple...okay they ARE all I wear... anyway, I could really use this book and any other tips anyone wants to throw my way...

  22. Follower I am! I mean seriously who couldn't or wouldn't follow YOU?

  23. Clickety the bliggity bloggity button peeps!

  24. Your emails are the glitter in my nail polish girl!

  25. Divorce Sucks (okay, I'll take your word for it)

  26. Supreme Courtship - I'll take one of those please LOL

  27. Stepmonster - don't have one, not gonna be one but would totally read about one!

  28. Giggle Bug! Track your way on over to my house please

  29. Eden...oh Eden how I need your help!

  30. How to Score might give me some tips too LOL

  31. Seduce Me - or I could just read about it

  32. Close Encounters would totally be my BOOK OF THE YEAR!

  33. You know all about the sidebar love

  34. My sidebar was created just for you
