Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Christmas Program, House Decorated and Sewing Project Completed

Well let's just say this was yet another crazy weekend! I'm happy to report I got most of the Christmas cards out along with I wrote a Christmas letter! I figure I share my daily life with all of you, maybe I should give the family an update also ... LOL. It was a fun and busy weekend and I loved every moment of it! I hope to have all my baking done tomorrow. I'm super excited I'm doing a Cookie Exchange with another blogger and I also did the Santa Swap at The Mommy-Files. I received my gift today, I want to give it it's own post but man I thought I did good shopping by she just blew my mind. I think I need to send her out more, Love her!
Onto the weekend!
A former co-worker stopped by with a Christmas Gift
Wasn't that super sweet, look at all those goodies
Plus a ticket to the Fantasy Lights, I'll post pics when we go!
Saturday after work I got the boys ready
We met a friend at the fabric store to do a new project.
We met at noon and finally finished around 10:30pm
Isn't this purse cute? It's a Christmas Gift.
Yup I "helped" sew this one :)
Check out the giveaway
Sunday we had a birthday Party and guess what it snowed!
Plus one of my favorite house on our block!
And yes the bottom pics are at my parents house.
That is the lake covered in snow and frozen!
Parent House all decorated!
Mom has 3 mini trees.
Fav is the kitchen one
Yes Italian theme with WINE Glass.
Fav is that Zebra one with the red fur!
And check it out Rick got the rest of the decorations out!
Stockings are hung!
I made those from Michaels and Iron Names and Pics
The Wreath I did a few years back.
And my favorite little stocking guys!
and the block mom made with blue lights inside!
Along with a Nativity Set Rachael gave me.
And Cole's Christmas Concert!
Rick of course had to work, thankfully dad came along.
I tried my best to video tape while Caden bounced.
Wow there it is our weekend in a nutshell. Sorry a short one today, it's super late and I'm falling asleep ... LOL. More fun tomorrow!


  1. Mercy! That was short??? You wear me out...every week with these!

    LOVE the wine glasses idea on the tree. I'm going to have to do that next year...well...Girlie will be two so maybe I'll have to wait two more years. Anyway, love the picture montage! It's one of my favorite posts of yours!

  2. I had a good time sewing this weekend. Really glad you were able to come over. I can't believe that you got the nativity up before I got mine up! I guess I'm actually going to have to clean that space off and put it up now!

  3. LOOOOOVE the bags... i am TOTALLY impressed, so cute!!!!

  4. I don't have a talent for baking, but I can sew and I'm getting the itch again. Cute purse, but I think more appropriate for someone younger than me.

  5. Hey Poser..

    Loved all of the decorations. I love all the pictures and seeing you too. The Poser is appearing today too.

  6. I always feel like I just ran a marathon after I read one of these....

  7. Whew! Run run run girl!
    Beautiful decorations (LOVE this time of year!).

  8. I didn't know you could sew. You go girl, you do it all.

  9. Wow such an adorable family. You were busy little beavers. Trees and decorations are so awesome.

  10. Love all the gifts you got. Can't wait to see the gift exchange gifts. I haven't been to a cookie exchange in like 25 years. You really don't know your neighbors in California, no one is ever home!
    Love your Moms trees. I use to love the kids Christmas programs, always made me cry! Hooray, your decorations are up and your cards are sent. Doesn't that feel good!
    I pray your Christmas is the best ever. God Bless.

  11. Beautiful picturs! Love those bags :)

  12. I also have a cookie exchange that I'm going to on Saturday-lots of baking to do tomorrow night! ;-)

    Aww-you must have been so proud of Cole at his concert! We just went to my nieces Christmas program on Tuesday and it was too cute! I can't wait until my kids start having programs to go to-so fun! :-)

  13. I want to sew this weekend. I wonder if I'll get to?

    What a busy weekend! Do you ever just veg out?

  14. ..... And a fabulous time was had by all! Your decorations look wonderful! I love the gifts you got from your former co-worker and can't wait to see what you got from your swap buddy. Plus your mom's house looks so cute, LOVE the wine glass decorations - but you know I love wine. :-)
    Caden looks so adorable dressed up for Cole's concert, whom I am sure did a fantabulistic job!!
    Glad to hear you had such a great weekend. You need to slow down!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!