Monday, January 4, 2010

Make Something Monday ... Cranberry Pork Chop

Make Something Monday

Here we are again with pork (turn your head non pork eaters). Do you have an extra can of jellied cranberry sauce hanging out left over from the holidays? Ok don't gag I love that stuff ... LOL I think I may be the only one because it wasn't opened. So of course I have to use it and I went on a Google mission to find a recipe using some pork chops I had in the freezer and this can of jellied cranberry. Then a came up upon this recipe and was pleasantly surprised at how this yummy goodness on top of them!

6 pork loin chops, lean cuts
1 can (16-ounce size) jellied cranberry sauce
1/2 cup cranberry or apple juice
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons spicy brown mustard

Directions: Place pork chops in crock pot and sprinkle with salt and pepper, or seasoning of choice. Combine remaining ingredients in a small mixing bowl and stir until well blended and smooth. Pour sauce over pork chops and cook on low for 7-8 hours.

Alexis NOTE: So I got to making this late one night so I had to toss the crock pot part and put them in the oven. The recipe held up great to the oven. I put it at around 350 for an hour. They were so tender and yummy! (I also switched the sugar with a substitute and we only had white grape juice ... but it worked out wonderful)

This recipe from CDKitchen for Basic Cranberry Pork Chops serves/makes 6


  1. I would love this! Seriously love this!

  2. This sounds super yummy! Looks like I'll be trying a version of this soon!

  3. Hubby isn't a pork chop fan, but this might just turn him!! :o)

  4. Hey, being able to substitute well is the hallmark of a good cook

  5. oh the tears are a flowing...

    Happy MOnday..

    Round Robin is Friday..

  6. LOVE pork chops, but not so sure about cranberry sauce-LOL! I may be sticking to my shake-n-bake pork chops, but you never know-this does sound like something that Rich would like! :-)

  7. Those look so good!

    I actually made pork chops for the very first time last night. They were okay, but my recipe was super messy and had a lot of steps. This one looks so much easier!

    Daffy from Batcrap Crazy sent me over here today, after I did a review on the best books I read last year.

    So, I'm here to check out your book giveaways!

  8. This looks great! I have a cranberry pork roast recipe that I'm going to be posting on another blog soon.

    I'll have to try this one!

  9. This sounds pretty good. I do love pork and jellied cranberries. I will star this one. Thanks.

  10. Ok, I'll admit that I probably won't make this (my mom ruined most pork for me forever, and I can't do cranberry sauce), but this is so how I cook sometimes... hmmm what can I make with ingredients X Y and Z? (This is how I discovered meat puffs, which are actually pretty good and need a new name.)

  11. I love all these ingredients...pork chops, cranberry sauce, spicy mustard, crock pot!

  12. My husband LOVES pork chops but growing up we never had them at my house so I never know how to cook them! Thanks for the recipe!

  13. Ok Twinsie, I love that stuff, too! I think I've made this (or something very similar). Love it.

  14. This sounds wonderful. I love cranberry sauce, canned, homemade, with oranges added, any way I can eat it. And crockpot pork? The best :) I'm printing this one out and hope to try it soon. Thanks for sharing your find.

  15. You have hit a home run with me! I have a can of cranberry sauce (that I LOVE LOVE LOVE), and pork is one of my favs, and I have spicy brown mustard. I will be making this next week. Yummers!

  16. This looks really tasty... We love pork, and I have all the ingredients in the house. Plus I love crock pot recipes, they make the house smell so good. Glad to know that it can be made in the oven when time is short!
    You ROCK girlie...

  17. I love cooking in my slow cooker. This looks like a great recipe. thanks!


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