Monday, January 4, 2010

TMTT ~ Dollars to Donuts: No Bake Oat-Peanut-Chocolate Chews

Blessed with Grace

I'm so excited when I receive a cook book to review, because I not only get to drool over pictures I can make items in it and of course show it off!

As many of you are doing is working on a budget, ok really I try to stick to a budget. I have this horrible habit of finding a recipe and then having to go and make it. Then I get to the check out and that one meal cost me like $50 because I had to find items that I don't have. Then in comes Dollars to Donuts: Comfort Food and Kitchen Wisdom that actually list on EACH recipe the cost of the recipe and the PER serving cost! Ok guilty pleasure LOVE the food Network 2 of my favorite shows are Sandra Lee's new one that she does just this and the Melissa new show $10 meals. So let's just say this cook book was right up my alley!

I love the personal stories, ok let me just tell you one! One of the pizza recipes she talks about working in a pizza joint and guess who the manager was? Ok you'll never guess Garth Brooks, ok not a country fan but come on can you believe a star to be working with you? I always think stories like that are very cool, ones you'll tell your grandkids. Ok back to the book, well it has some amazing recipes and yes the Pizza is on my list to do (you'll see it soon) but I got started late today so I couldn't let the yeast in the bread rise so what to do .... of course go the desert section! I know like there was any doubt any of your minds that is where I would go! And no it's not pumpkin so back off! I have a healthy obsession with pumpkin, now when I turn orange ... like the one time Caden did from all the sweet potatoes when he was a baby you have to worry. BUT only then!

Today I give you something even better, chocolate! This where super simple just like the blurb above the recipe says you can whip these up in 10 minutes and have them for snacks and you can switch up with toasted nuts and dried fruit if you so want to be healthier and skip the chocolate. I know who would do such a thing, oh yeah you skinny people ... LOL just playing ;).

This is an amazing cookbook that has 262 pages of recipes to choose from and you can even browse the weekly menu maker in the back. Don't worry it's like a normal cookbook with a Index in the back to help you pick some yumminess from! Pick up your own copy of the Dollars to Donuts at Amazon Regular price is $19.99 but currently on sale for $13.59 it's in stock and ready to ship to you for some amazing meals!

Check out the No Bake Oat-Peanut-Chocolate Chews I made. I even show pictures of the recipe in the book with the cost break down! And yes I'm lazy I don't do cookies I do bars that I will cut. Come on I have 2 crazy boys, bars are what we do!

1 Cup Sugar
4 Tbs Unsalted Butter
1/4 Cup Peanut Butter (Crunchy or Smooth)
1 3/4 Cups Instant Oatmeal
1/4 Cup Whole Milk
1 Cup (6 oz) Semisweet Chocolate Chips

Place the sugar, butter, and peanut butter in a small saucepan and melt over medium heat. Bring to a simmer and cook for 2 minutes, then pour the mixture into a large bowl. Stir in the oatmeal and milk and then stir in the chocolate chips. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Refrigerate until they're hard, about 30 minutes. Transfer to a sealed plastic container and store in the refrigerator until serving.


  1. Ummm girl now that speaks to my sweet tooth!

    How cool to review a cook book!

    Were your ears burning yesterday? :)

  2. YUM YUM YUM I love cookies like this!

  3. Oh my am I on the correct blog today? There is not ham or bacon, or pork chops. It is just a yummy treat that I can make and eat. Thanks.. Have a great day..

  4. these look awesome!

    and i too love cookbooks.. i might not cook a WHOLE lot.. but i totally love to read through them, and imagine... lol!!!!

  5. Those look SO good! They look similar to No-bake cookies, just in bar form.

  6. I'd better not look at this too long. Dual Mom and Z Girl might get me.

  7. This cookbook looks like a keeper. And those chocolate oatmeal chews? YUM.

  8. That sounds like a pretty cool cookbook!

  9. Are you kidding me, how can I even think about eating better when you keep posting these delicious recipes. Yes, I must try these!

  10. No bake?....Totally cool.......I have to try these......(since we have no working oven, and I'm heading back tomorrow)...

    Let me know if you've got any other no bake things.....!!!.....

  11. Yum! I love No Bakes! Great for summer when you don't want to turn on your oven...or anytime, because they are delicious! ;-)

  12. Congrats on getting the cookbook for review. Fun! These chews look yummy and easy! Thanks for linking to TMTT.

  13. I've seen those as haystacks before where you mold them into lumps, but I think I like this theory better. Except for the PB. I still can't do PB.... So with ya on the bars though, even though I do make cookies. I regret each time that I didn't do a bar recipe.

  14. There is no such thing as too many cookbooks! And, pumpkin is a girl's best the kitchen, at least. I'm hopelessly addicted to Food Network - Rachael Ray gets me every time. And Paula's recipes look heavenly, decadent, but so yummy.

  15. Similar to my no-bake cookies. They are TO.DIE.FOR! I'll have to try this one!

  16. Tempt my tummy...darn right!!!! You can just ship mine over to me. Thank you very much. lol. Too bad my post today is about how I am gaining weight. I wonder why? DUH!!!

  17. Wow! I could use that. I do the same thing. The spices or what not (especially cheese--why do ALL the good recipes call for cheese!) add up so quickly.

  18. You are SO funny, my favorite lines in this post:
    "And no it's not pumpkin so back off!" and "you can switch up with toasted nuts and dried fruit if you so want to be healthier and skip the chocolate. I know who would do such a thing, oh yeah you skinny people." TeeHee (we think so much alike!)
    These look so good! I like how you make them as bars... you are so cool. I would make them with my little cookie scoop into balls - I like cookie balls (HaHa - did I just say that?)... Thanks for sharing!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!