Monday, January 18, 2010

(CLOSED) TMTT ~ Cook Yourself Thin Faster Recipes

Monday I brought you some yummy recipes to from my new cookbook Cook Yourself Thin Faster that were totally healthy and I loved! Well Rick not so much I've been told the cranberry turkey meatloaf can never be made again (I'll just wait until he leaves town). He asked my why he must suffer while I diet, he kills me! It's funny if you wouldn't tell them what they are eating just make them eat it they would love it! But you say what's in it and their inner picky child makes them not like veggies!

Tell them to get over it and they'll love it if they try it! Today I'm going to show you 4 more recipes that I just LOVED and guess what yup I told you if you came back you would get a chance to win the book! 4 lucky readers will win this cookbook for their very own! Enjoy over 75 yummy recipes that will help you loose weight fast! So here it goes breakfast, dinner, side and of course desert!

Remember to check out yesterdays post for other yummy recipes: MSM ~ Cook Yourself Thin Faster Cookbook Recipes.

French Toast Bread Pudding
Cooking Spray
4 c (about 8 slices) whole wheat bread
Cut into 1 inch cubes (put in your baking dish and set aside)

In bowl mix:
4 oz 1/3 less fat cream cheese, softened
2 very ripe bananas, mashed
Mix Well then add:
2 Large eggs (one at a time)
2 egg whites (one at a time)
¾ c lowfat milk
3 tbs pure maple syrup
½ tsp vanilla extract
Zest of 1 orange
(Mix well and pour over bread, refrigerate overnight)

1 tbs confectioners' sugar, for garnish
375º let sit for 15 minutes after taking out of refrigerator, bake for 30-40 minutes.

Update! I posted it fresh out of the oven. It's freaking amazing, you would never guess it's low fat. Caden ate the whole bowl and ask for more! ENJOY I know I will!

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Coconut Chicken and Tropical Salsa
1 large egg (whisk in deep dish #1)

Mix together 2 c conflakes and ½ c shredded unsweetened coconut (in deep dish #2)

1 lb chicken tenders put ¼ salt and ¼ pepper (put 1st in egg then cornflake mixture)

Mix in dish #3

1 c fresh pineapple, 1 c corn, 1 red bell pepper (diced), 1 scallion (diced), 2 tsp lime juice, 1 tsp canola oil, ¼ salt and ¼ pepper

Bake 425º for 10 to 12 (I used chicken breast so longer so no pink)

Serve with Salsa on top!

Cheese "Fries"
1 Large butternut squash, peeled and seeded (cut up into fry size pieces)
Toss with:
1 tb olive oil (yes I bought some)
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
Serve with:
¼ c grated Parmesan cheese

Bake 450º for 30 minutes! I loved this, Rick not so much but again veggie!
Dinner is served! YUMMY
Brown Sugar Kisses
Beat until peaks form:
3 egg whites
Pinch of salt

½ c light brown sugar add and mix a spoon full at time

½ tsp vanilla extract

Bake 225º for 1 hour and 15 minutes, turn off oven and leave in there with door ajar for 1 hour.

Let's just say mine didn't turn out pretty but they tasted good .. LOL

Thank you to Hyperion Books for my amazing new cookbook!

Cook Yourself Thin Faster for $19.99, amazon currently has it for $13.59 or on Kindle for $9.99

WIN IT: 4 Lucky winners will win Cook Yourself Thin Faster.

To Enter let me what you're doing to be healthier or why you need a cookbook to help you eat healthier. SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:
Giveaway ends 2/7/10 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win.

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.

Make sure to check out other yummy Tempt Your Tummy recipes by clicking the button below.
Blessed with Grace


  1. i need to lose about 15 lbs before my sister's wedding!! i'm not doing too bad right now...but some days its so hard to sit an figure out a recipe!! this book would be great!!

  2. Everything looks so good! And those cookies look just like the nighty night cookies I make, but with brown sugar instead of white. I may have to try those! :-)

    I've been exercising 5 days a week, but the food I'm eating is not the best, so I'm halfway to being healthy! LOL! I would love to try this book! :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  3. I'm a follower.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  4. I subscribe via e-mail-entry #1.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  5. I subscribe via e-mail-entry #2.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  6. Oh Poser I am so glad you get a chance to give this away. Yeah..

    I am trying to work out when I can. I am also trying to eat a little better. I need this cook book to show my husband a new and healthy way to eat..

  7. I have your button up...

    Did I say, I love what you cooked today and I so want this book. Pick me random org. Please..

  8. oh that french toast sounds MARVELOUS!!!

  9. Oh my gosh! I didn't even realize this was a giveaway until the end! YAY!!!

    And I need this cookbook because now that my husband is on a diet, I have nothing to cook. So I end up eating cold cereal for every meal, every day. I need help, and so does the hubby!

  10. I'm trying to walk at least four days a week as well as eat three servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Doesn't sound like much, but I'm hoping that every little bit helps!

  11. I entered UPrinting 100 postcard giveaway

  12. Mmmm...the coconut chicken recipe sounds scruptious! I'm trying to cut preservatives, trans fats and other crap like that out of our diet. Also, drink water instead of pop - and eat more nutritious foods.

  13. Thanks so much for giving my blog a visit. Let me know what you think of the Spaghetti Pie. Your Cheese "Fries" look so good. Will have to give them a try.

  14. I wish I could eat pineapple, but alas I'm allergic. :( Looks delicious though!!!!

  15. I want to make that French Toast! And what am I doing to be healthier? Hopefully winning this book!

  16. I need to lose weight again! I am just about to start fostering an overweight dog and am hoping that in helping him lose weight that I will too.

    But I am sure this book would help. I love the look of the Cheese "Fries".

  17. I have added your blog to my feeder reader.

  18. And became a follower on Networked Blogs.

  19. I entered your "Nicholas Sparks The Last Song Audio Giveaway"

  20. That chicken sounds great!

    I want to win because Im trying to lose LOTS of weight and any extra help is always a good thing!

  21. Wow, all of these recipes sound heavenly! Bet the bread pudding one is amazing. Let's see, so how are we trying to eat healthier? This last year we planted a big vegetable garden and I made lots of dishes with veggies both familiar and unfamiliar ;) Now I'm trying to make more stuff myself that I'd typically buy -- the latest is my quest for an additive-free homemade blue cheese sald dressing. :) Good luck in your weight loss goals!

  22. Going to have to bookmark this page! Looks good.

    I want to win the cookbook because I've been gaining weight recently. Hubs is now home for dinner all the time, so I'm always cooking a full meal, instead of just doint that a few times a week. So, I better start cooking healthier!

  23. entered your business card giveaway

  24. Those recipes are awesome. I want this book. What am I doing, well nothing yet but I am finishing up all the snacks that were bought for the holidays and I WON'T buy anymore when they are gone! (Sorry I just can't throw out good food)

  25. Love butternut squash. Always looking for ways to cook it.

  26. Oh my goodness I think I desperately need that cookbook! I love your blog and am now following it - thanks for the great recipes!

  27. I follow your blog,

  28. I subscribe to your blog via email.

  29. I subscribe to your blog via email.

  30. My biggest problem has always been not drinking enough water. I have vowed that this year is water year. I am going to teach my body that it needs water and I am going to drink more water every day.

  31. I baked a lot for the first time during the holidays, weighed myself this morning and yes, it's time to buckle down and a fabulous cookbook like this would definitely help!


  32. Email subscriber #1


  33. Email subscriber #2


  34. I'm getting up at 5am to exercise. That deserves a reward. :)

  35. This looks like just what I need. I am trying to eat more veggies and fruit. Everything in moderation. One cookie not 6 or 8 or 12.

  36. I use my exercise bike a lot, but I'm very bad when it comes to food...I love to eat sweets so I always need to lose some LOL this sounds like a wonderful book!

  37. Button on both my sites :)

  38. email subscriber of coutse :) #1

  39. follow on networking blogs #1

  40. Since September I've been doing Weight watchers and learning to eat better, but I need recipes that aren't too difficult.

    tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

  41. I follow your blog

    tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

  42. we know from past experience that I NEVER win kitchen related things but I'm going to try for this one. Hubs wants to loose 30 pounds and evidently I have no idea what I'm talking about so maybe if he reads about healthy eating from a book it will make a difference....*eyeroll*

  43. I am a loyal follower - since like...for evah

  44. Squeeze the button girl! I display it proudly

  45. work that email girl! You know it rocks da house

  46. I really would love to win those Spread Head thingies...they are so cool

  47. Alibi...I need one...err.. I mean I entered

  48. I do drink for a reason but I'd sure like to hear about other people's reasons...I entered

  49. I entered the Nicholas Sparks and hope to win it for my sister

  50. Brief interviews...good thing too cause I don't have much of an attention span...

    I entered that one too

  51. Murder of King Tut - check

    I mean I entered that one, not that I killed him

  52. The Liar in Your Life would be so interesting to read/listen

  53. Pimpin works for me - sidebar action is where its at!

  54. Rock da House with some sidebar action

  55. I LOVE cookbooks!!! I'm already a follower. Thanks for sharing!

  56. I entered nicholas sparks the last song giveaway

  57. I entered Brief Interviews with hideous men

  58. I'm working on getting back to the gym regularly, but ohhh those children are really getting in my way :)

  59. I'm using the wiifit... but I need this cookbook to eat better or all my work will be in vein!

    crystalmarieporter at gmail dot com

  60. I'm going out walking each morning and watching what I'm eating. This book would be a great way to add some healthier recipes to our meals!

  61. I follow thru Networked Blogs! (Annmarie Dipasqua Weeks) -#1

  62. I follow thru Networked Blogs! (Annmarie Dipasqua Weeks) -#2

  63. I follow thru Networked Blogs! (Annmarie Dipasqua Weeks) -#3

  64. I entered your The Murder of King Tut Audio Giveaway!

  65. I entered your Liar in Your Life Audio Book Giveaway!

  66. I entered your NutureShock Audio Book Giveaway!

  67. I've been trying to do a lot more walking to get more exercise and fresh air.

  68. I just became a follower of your blog.

  69. I'm great at exercising. I love it, so it's not hard for me to work it into my day. But I love crappy food. I need a great new cookbook!
    s.mickelson at gmail dot com

  70. I would love a new cookbook with healthy recipes to make and have on hand for when I get 'snacky'...add that to my new wii fit and i should be in shape in no time!!!
