Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ A Birthday Party and Zoo Lights

Well it was a lazy Saturday, well that was after I got done with work. It was my busiest Saturday since I've first started. I was on a roll and feeling great. The boys and I stayed home, it was nice just to hang out while the boys played with every toy they got from Christmas. Man why did I buy the hotwheels? Cole of course was indeep with his DS mom bought him. Caden and I even took a nap together ... Yup all three of on the couch Caden on my tummy and Cole by my feet playing his game.
Sunday of course was our busy day we started with Church which we went back after two weeks of being absent, it was so nice to go back. Caden who is usually attacked to my hip saw we were there and he didn't even say good-bye. After Church we head up to my parents house so the boys could run around their house while my poor mom and dad kept saying don't touch that. Rick calls my parents house the museum it's packed full of antiques and just beautiful items that cost more then my car (and yes I bought it new ... so that gives you a thought).
After making my parents break into a sweat we sad our good-byes and headed to a birthday party for my friend 3 y/o. I've known her since I was 9, it's so weird us all having kids. It was funny her mom and aunt said the same thing to me about they couldn't get over us having kids this old. The party was fun Cole was able to bust open the pinata. Cole picked out the gift, he picked out the Car's Theme backpack. I asked him really you think he'll like this? We then picked up a bathroom tub set of race cars and then a cars gift bag. Ok those of you know me know I'm a NUT about themes. If there is a theme to the party that is what I will buy for the gift, I go crazy with it! So this party we didn't get an invite just a text, so no clue on the theme. That was until we got there and found it was the Cars Movie! Yup Cole called that one!!

After the party we jumped in the car and got to the zoo at exactly 5pm, I was so proud of myself I hate being late but it seems lately with the boys it is always happening. We met my friend Anngie and her daughter Kailey for Zoo Lights! I love doing Zoo Lights each year, it's just gorgeous and a great way to get exercise. We walked up and down hills and let me say pulling a wagon with Caden who is like 35 lbs and Kailey who is about 40 was no walk in the zoo ... LOL oh come on you laughed! Cole pulled a good amount of the time except for the hills, but man there were a ton of hills ... LOL. The lights were beautiful, we had to check out the aquarium, the sharks, feed the goats and they now have a Camel you can ride. My girlfriend was amazing and paid for all three kids to rid the Camel, at $5 a piece that little one turn around the circle just didn't seem worth it to us, but the kids loved it!!! We left the house at 10:30am and returned home around 7:30pm, it was a long day but so much fun! Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Family Op time.
Ok I look extra fluffy I'm blaming the 3 layers of clothes!
Bottom Right is the picture overlooking the whole zoo lights.
The Shark jaw is inside the Aquarium, it's a must pic everytime we go!
Yes that is not me in the picture the boys wouldn't do one with me :(
Yup that would be the Camel Ride!
I thought Caden would cry but he was first on!
Cole pulling Caden and Kailey in the wagon
Yes that is a Tiger face, it leads you to the Tigers
Some of my favorite sites
The Rainbow is at the kidzone
The Polar Bears of course at the Polar Bears
We had to stop to feed the goats! (Priscilla making you proud)
And of course had to visit the Meerkats (hello Lion King)
Warming up in the Aquarium and visiting the fish
Caden in the Sea Anemone
(My dad use to have a tank a fly these in from Hawaii)
And we end with some family time.
Well Cole ditched us to go visit his neighbor buddy.
Caden acting like a bird for Rick's donut.


  1. You did all that in one day? I'd collapse! The zoo lights were awesome!

  2. There you go again filling your day to the brim and loving every minute of it. Looks like an awesome day!

  3. What a fun week/weekend. Packed with a lot of fun. It it so good to get out and spend time with the family. You look great Poser.. The other Poser is posing today..

    Have a great day..

  4. Wow, that made me tired! how long does zoo lights go on for? I never thougth it would be that cool lookiing.

  5. I can't believe you did that all in one day. I'm tired just reading about it!

  6. You need more naps and less running around. Seriously though, you are a great mom to those little boys. Your love for them shines through everytime you write about them.

  7. I was very happy to read that you fed the goats. We goats are always hungry!

  8. Sounds like it was a great weekend. Glad you got to go to church. The party looks like it was fun and I love "Cars", I still have it on my DVR from April '07! I should just go and buy it. The Zoo looks like it was wonderful.
    Great pictures.

  9. man that zoo lights thing looks SO cool. I wish they did that here! This year the weather totally would not have allowed for outdoor stuff like that though.

    As usual, just reading about all that you do makes me tired. I think I'm going to go take a nap now.

    Kid? what kid? Noise in the closet? Banging? Naw...I don't hear anything....

  10. What a cool zoo lights display! Ours is nowhere near as cool as that! If ours was like that, I wouldn't miss it either!
    Looks like TONS of fun!
    Good call on the Cars backpack Cole!

  11. great pics.. and it looks like ya'll have been having a blast...

    .. and you do NOT look fluffy.. just great!!!

  12. I've always wanted to go to zoo lights! That looks great and since you were there so long, it obviously was!

  13. I missed our zoo lights this year booooooo hooooooo. Looks like you guys had a great time!

  14. I LOVE zoo lights, no camel rides, though! We had a carousel ride, but little man was terrified because he couldn't hold on as well with all of his coats and mittens and winter gear on. Cracked me up. You look like you had a wonderful time. I can't believe you did so much in such a short time.

  15. That is so neat that Cole picked a party themed gift without you even knowing the theme-he's got b-day parties all figured out! ;-)

    I didn't know that Zoos had lights this time of year-that's so neat! I'll have to see if the Detroit zoo has them...maybe next year we'd check them out! :-)

  16. I love how your W/E started with a nap on the couch with the kids all cuddled with you! :-)
    Then off to the "museum" to get your weekely "dose" from mom & dad. (Glad you had your armor fortified at church first.)
    Looks like the boys had a great time at the birthday party, and Cole got himself a little girlfriend. He also was right on with the gift because he just picked up what he would have wanted - smart kid just like his mommy!
    The trip to the zoo looks like it was fantastic. The lights are beautiful and so much fun, I love how they are all themed to go with the section of the zoo they are in.
    You amaze me with your stamina and all you do, and your kids seemed to be happy the whole weekend! What a fantastic mom you are!!

  17. And here I thought your weekends were less busy this year ;)

  18. Wow, looks like you were busy! The zoo lights are really neat. The nearest zoo to where I live is almost two hours away. I like to go there once a year in the summer with the kids.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!