Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about support since entering my new adventure of loosing weight. I was talking to a friend of mine she being in the same situation as me. She lost 100+ lbs then having a baby and needing to loose the weight once again. Yup were in the boat and giving support one may needs to get threw this new step.

Change how it can do funny things to people, Rick not much on the whole change thing. Not that he doesn't want me to loose weight just not jumping up on the sideline giving me the cheering squad. My other family is kind of the same, not one to dish out the way to go, now if you're looking for a hard truth that is dished out with a heavy hand.

So support I guess I need it or appreciate what I get. It's like all the volunteering I do, not for support but to give support. I've never been out for the stand up and give me props in front of everyone. I just like the smile that you may put on someones face when you help out! Yes I have the daddy syndrome always wanting to please and be liked. I blame it on the fat child in me ... lol :).

Support is a weird thing you will find it in the place you didn't expect and just when you need it. I wan't to say a BIG THANK you to all my amazing friends here that have sent me emails and kind comments they mean more to me than I can say. So my unexpected is that people that are in your life who you would think to be your core system not always the support you may need. But just post a fat picture on the internet and heck you find the support :), and I wouldn't change anything!!

So on the gym update! I have gone 6 yes SIX days in a row! Did you guess I have an addictive personality yet? LOL, I can't help it I've been waking up at 5am ready to go!! So there it is my life so far, my jeans are still tight but I'm making a dent right?

I leave you with this great sign I saw at the gym:

"It's hard to be optomistic when you fat jeans are tight" Yup that about sums it up!!


  1. Wow! 6 days in a row? I'm SO impressed! You're doing great...and you're right. Support makes all the difference.

    Keep it up girl! I'm proud of you!

  2. That's awesome 6 days in a row. I'm working on losing weight myself and your dedication to the gym is motivating me too. I don't want to wear tight fat jeans anymore either :)

  3. Alexis--congrats on the 6 days in a row! But don't forget to give yourself a break--maybe 1 day on the weekends? otherwise you may burn out. And your muscles need a break, too. So just don't go overboard, k? Be careful! But you're doing an incredible job! Keep it up!

  4. I am here to support you an any way. You are an amazing woman. Go Lex Go....

    Keep on going..

    love the thought..

    your poser support friend.. love ya..

  5. Wow you go girl! I'm proud of you! Yes support does make a huge difference! Keep up the great work!

  6. Now that is one time that sort of personality is a blessing! I wish I could get mine to kick in. Good for you.

  7. You are AWESOME!! Once again thanks for motivating me.

  8. I find that friends have always been the best support. Didn't have this blog when I was going through shit but it was my friends who helped me, not my family.

    Six days, that is awesome. One thing I learned about walking years ago was that the first time was the hardest, then each day you just want to continue. You have made the first step, that was the hardest one.

  9. That sign is hilarious!

    6 days in a row? That is AMAZING! :)

  10. You are doing awesome! Hang in there-those jeans will be loose in no time! ;-)

  11. You're doing a great job and you know we're so proud of you! I'm sorry you don't have the support you want from your family (I know that must be hard), but you're right; you have it in us! xoxo

  12. Haha! I love that saying! I am so impressed by you, 6 days in a row?! You rock sis!

  13. WOOHOO! You go girlfriend! SO proud of you girl! :)

  14. 6 days!!! I'm doing a happy dance for you. Good work.

  15. YAY 6 days you go girl :)
    I use to go to SparkPeople (it's free) and they have awesome tips and groups,great workout plans and yummy recipes! It helped with the support I needed at the time ;)

  16. RAH - RAH - RAHR...

    RAH - RAH - RYM...

    RAH - RAH - RAY...

    RAH - RAH - REST...

    Love you sweetie... I'm here for you, anytime.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!