Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentines Day Some Recipes and Fun Items!

Usually we're not big on Valentines Day, Rick usually will get a card for me but nothing really big. I thought I would try some recipes out on you that I thought were fun for Valentines Day!
First is a yummy pork that is easy to make for dinner! I'm all about the quick and easy!
Parmesan and Rosemary Crusted Pork Chops
Prep and cook time: 30 minutes
2 Slices of Wheat Toast Torn
1/4 C Parmesan Cheese
2 Tbs Rosemary
coarse salt and pepper to taste
1/4 C Flour
1 Tbs Dijon Mustard
2 Large Eggs, White's Only
6 boneless thin Cut Pork Chops
1 1/2 Tbs Canola Oil
[1] Place bread in a food processor; pulse bread 10 times or until coarse crumbs form. Combine breadcrumbs, cheese, rosemary and salt, and pepper in a shallow dish. Place flour in another shallow dish. Combine mustard and egg whites in another shallow dish, stirring with a whisk.

[2] Working with one pork chop at a time, dredge pork in flour, shaking off excess. Dip pork into egg white mixture, allowing excess to drip off. Coat pork completely with breadcrumb mixture. Set aside. Repeat procedure with remaining pork, flour, egg white mixture, and breadcrumb mixture.

[3] Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add oil to pan, swirling to coat. Add pork; cook 3 minutes on each side or until browned and cooked through.

ALEXIS NOTES: I love bulk foods and have on hand bread crumbs makes recipes easier! I also used 3 egg whites instead of 2. My pork chops were to thick good idea to trim them, they were on sale the only way to buy them.
Of course what would a post from me be with out dessert? LOL no worries I was good and only tasted but packed up the rest for Cole's Valentines Day Party.

Carol Harper's Valentine Cookies
1/2 c. butter
1 c. sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. baking powder
2 c. flour
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 c. sour cream; optional

Cream butter and sugar; add rest of ingredients. Bake at 400 degrees for 6-7 minutes.

1 c. powdered sugar
1 tbsp. water
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Pinch of salt
1/4 c. butter
Few drops red food coloring

Mix together.

ALEXIS NOTE: I added the sour cream (used fat free), I also used half the flour with white wheat. Learned to make these smaller. They cook fast and you'll get centers not done and the edges crispy and dark brown.

Next is my mom's creation for Cole's Valentines Party. She found these super sized marshmallow, took a little frosting on the bottom and then added some sprinkles. She insert a stick like a popsicle, then wrapped in clear bag with red ribbon. Talk about an awesome inexpensive way to make treats.
Plus I just received my second Cupid Bloggers Swap this one threw The Mommy-Files.

Gift Guide

I was so excited when I got the message about my partner! One of my favorite bloggers, she's been with me almost since the very beginning. Kristy @ Momma loves to shop! was my swap partner again, she was my partner for Christmas. She is the most thought and kind friend. She just blew me away again with thoughtful gifts she put together. She's so nice she even put special treats 1 for each of the boys! I just love her, Kristy you're amazing!! You must go check her site out she always finds the best deals and has great stories too. So click the link above or hey look I even put her button you can click on too!

Fairy Blog Mother
Thank you Kristy we love it all
The boys got to work right away!
And last but not least the girls I think have gotten there packages hopefully by now so I thought I'd post what I sent them! Of course yummy chocolate covered prezels, Strawberry marshmallows, Valentines Cake Mix, Pancake molds, Valentines day Socks, heart icecube trays, a heart sucker and of course my favorite coffee!!

One I put in a heart shaped sandwich cutter which I thought was way cool (we have the dino one). I hope they enjoyed them, I had fun picking out the items!!
OMGosh it's late must go to bed, Caden's coughing, Cole refuses to go to bed and Rick is working late once again! UGH I can't wait for Friday to done and over and I'm going to the gym tomorrow. I took Thursday off, one day!

Please also go check out my amazing poser (we like to post pics of ourselves) and her Round Robin. I hope you enjoy the recipes :), look at me I even went with the theme this time around ... LOL. Hugs, hope you're having a wonderful week.

So what are you doing for Valentines Day? Any special recipes you make? I would love to find out some more!


  1. busy busy busy! Loved ur recipes :) the heart shaped marshmellow pops r a very awesome idea! I cant wait for sunday hubby has a HUGE suprise he keeps bragging to me...its killing me! I love suprises but i hate waiting for them! We r off to breakfast for valentines day then a movie :) we will do some shopping and then head out n meet our best friend who will have our son and we will enjoy a valentine late lunch early dinner with them :) Have fun at the gym 2morro girl!

  2. Oh man it all looks soooooooo good Girl!! Long time no comment but I read pretty much everyday :) Great job on working out, I'll get there soon.

  3. Oh my favorite pork chops.. Oh how I love them. What a great post. We are going to do our Valentine's Day things on Saturday. My husband works Sunday. I am making a heart cake. Thanks for playing along.. Have a great day.. and a great Valentines Day..

  4. How fun! The pork chops sound delicious. Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Valentines Day? What's that?
    Love the Marshmallow idea tho...Personally I am the sort to go buy a bag of cookies and call it are so creative.

  6. I love the marshmellow pops! What a darling idea. LOVE it!

  7. Those pork chops look delicious! And so do the cookies...and the marshmallows-what a simple, fun thing for the kids! Sugar on a stick ALWAYS goes over well! LOL!

    You got and gave such wonderful gifts! How fun!

    I plan on posting our Valentine's day activities on Sunday (hopefully), so you can see what we've been up to then. No special recipes for ya though-sorry. I did make those Snickerdoodle blondies last night and the family LOVED them! :-)

  8. the pork chops sound wonderful...for valentines i will write a poem and leave it on my wife's pillow...and maybe i will do the dishes. smiles. dropping by via Amy's round robin.

  9. Ohh, those pork chops are making me hungry. We're having hamburgers tonite. I haven't fixed pork chops in forever. Thanks for reminding me, I really should fix some soon.

  10. the pork chops look delish! I love the marshmallows. What a great swap...I need to find the next one :)

  11. You guys are always doing something fun and tasty. I wanna come stay with you for awhile

  12. You just gave me an idea to get Al for V-Day. I'm gonna make him food! Go me!
    (And you)

  13. This year my hubs is making me dinner and I usually make big gifts or anything!

  14. MOre yummy recipes!
    My computer died.
    The horror! I just got it back - thank heavens!

  15. Thanks for the recipes. Those marshmallow treats look so cute.
    Love the gifts you got and also what great gifts you sent out.
    We went to the movies yesterday and had a great dinner out. Might go out again on Monday or Tuesday.
    We don't go out on the actual day!

  16. Thanks for sharing the recipes! I love your photo collages and the tips you learned when from trying the recipes.

  17. I'm so glad you liked everything! Thank you SO much for my goodies, I'm so excited to use them tomorrow!
    I used the sandwich cutter for my daughters lunch and she was all excited about it, she cannot wait to show her friends on Monday, she HAS to have a heart shaped sandwich from now on, lol!
    Thanks again, you're the BEST!!

  18. Everything looks so good and yummy :) as always :)

  19. what lovely items!! I love these swaps. hope you had a good day today.

    Any chance (if you haven't yet) you could check out this post and enter the giveaway? It would mean a TON for my family (full details there):


  20. Those pork chops sound delicious, I love rosemary on pork. The cookies look really good, too.
    I have never seen those huge marshmallows before, but I make something like those at Christmas with regular sized marshmallows. I also use chocolate and other toppings, besides the frosting... everyone loves them. I'll have to find the huge ones for this Christmas.
    I'm sure the boys loved them.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!