Sunday, March 28, 2010

From God to you, 66 Love Letters Book Review

Sunday for a lot of us is a reflection day, I like to find books to showcase that. Today we'll say's is Spiritual Sunday for book reviews :). For you who are looking for a great book that touches your heart and gives you strength I have found a perfect one. From God to You, 66 Love Letters by Dr. Larry Crabb is a beautiful book that just called to me. The back cover just caught my eye and made me shake my head yes as I answered the questions.
Have you ever read the Bible only to come away confused? Ever wondered if God actually had you in mind whne He began telling His story?

Though life may not be going according to your plan, Good has another one, far better than you can imgine. From Genesis to Revelation, experience His invitation to get you dancing with joy.
Many times I wonder about being good enough for God and people in my life. Being the best person can sometimes make me feel like I feel short. I know that no one is perfect and we all are doing the best we can, but of course we can always improve, I at least hope to improve.

I love how the first chapter he talks about not being able to sleep one night and from that came the beginning of this book. Isn't it funny how we are directed with out even knowing, at the time we may be mildly upset about the outcome but then later down the road it becomes clear to us. As we say it's God's plan we may just find out later what the outcome is, and learn to be patient because at first we may not be happy with why we were lead down this path but a brighter future awaits at the end.

Threw each chapter you will find a beautiful love letter to different parts and people in the bible. Each letter is written in a way to make you feel more apart of the bible. I found this to be an amazing book that brought me closer to my faith and that I am part of God's plan.

66 Love Letters Hard Cover is $22.99 or Amazon has it on sale for $15.63 or on kindle for $9.99.

Thank you to The Booksneeze for the opportunity to review this book, that is not currently on my nightstand to read a few more times!

I review for BookSneeze


  1. Thank you for the review! I've been reading the Lenten devotions from this book, and they've been such a blessing.

  2. It sounds very interesting. Oh yes I do get very confused reading the Bible.

  3. I am not religous dear, however I do read stuff like this, especially when its friends posting xx


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!