Saturday, March 27, 2010

Her Mother's Hope Book Review

I love reviewing books for Tyndale House Publishers they always have the best themes with morals and just a great read!

Her Mother's Hope is set in the twentieth century. In this story you meet Marta Schneider, she comes from a strick family on her fathers side he makes no qualms that she will be nothing more than a servant. Her mother on the other hand encourages her to shoot for her dreams that the world is there for her. Leaving home to pursue her dreams she does just what her father says she will do by being a housekeeper and a cook. She doesn't let this hold her back she saves money and makes her own way to her dream of owning an inn.

Heartbreaking news from home makes her stronger and able to make the move from England to Canada. Once there she meets Niclas Waltert, he having the same goals and morals as Marta makes them a perfect fit. But as life goes she was not prepared for what she may lose of herself to be a wife and then motherhood. Their travels take them from Canada to California to raise her family, a far cry from her humble beginnings in England.

Marta so wants her children to be strong and have the best life possible, her way of parenting can sometimes come across cool and unloving. All along she wanted to be better but in ways took on her fathers sternness. Her oldest daughter Hildemara Rose has the hardest time with this she just wants her approval. Hildie falls in love during World War II and begins a family of her own. But as life works tragedy strikes and brings mother and daughter to get over their differences and hopefully bring them together instead of apart forever.

Buy a copy of your own and enjoy you'll be wanting to turn the page all the way to last 498 page. Hardcover is $24.99 on sale right now at Amazon $ 16.49 or on Kindle $9.99.

Thank you Tyndale House Publishers for another amazing book.


  1. I have only read a few of Francine Rivers books, but I am pleased every time that I do...which makes me wonder why I'm not reading more of her work!

  2. I have one from them I am about to start.
    They are always enjoyable.

    Glad you liked this one.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!