Thursday, April 29, 2010

Musing from the self appointed Gym Czar

Firefly Fitness Fridays

Link up with these great ladies.


  1. wanker perfect for the gym. OR the opposite. LOL. Have a great weekend Alex.

  2. The gym guy was totally lying to cover up what clearly isn't there. ;)

  3. I'm glad you are going to the gym.
    That in itself takes strength week after week. I bet he was born with a small one :) Why would he talk about it, ewww! So you getting that hat is like me having my Canada Olympic mittens!

  4. I swear you make me laugh like no other lol...only you could go to the gym and be surrounded with wanker talk lol

  5. Oh wow! Reading about all that exercise made me exhausted!! I guess that means I won't have to do any myself today! Thanks:)

  6. Methinks someone doth protest too much. Maybe I should send him all my emails that promise to extend things 3" or more.....

  7. Oh I LOVE your gym posts :) make me smile all day!!! Yo're doing great girlie. Now the guy from the gym...hmm I'm not sure he is doing wery well LOL
    Thank you for visiting me and linking to the Firefly Fitness Fridays :) you're the best!!!

  8. that would soooo be me.. the one sitting down at the table to read the newspaper or a book.. lol

    have a great wkend!!!

  9. Too Funny Poser,

    Really Bacon? Crazy times at the gym for sure..


  10. Your wanker.....aaaaaaahahahahaha

  11. You don't want to know what some lady smelled like at Zumba Thurs night. I almost walked out.

  12. No matter if they talk about it being big or small, if they talk about it at all they probably have an issue with it...(silly boys and their dick talk).

  13. Ok just saying this in a nice way and not being mean - I promise! Czar or Tsar. Zar isn't a word :)

    Gotta love the fun things that happen at the gym, but I think I'd have to suggest to that guy that he just got a bad batch of steroids - all the side effects with non of the benefits :)

  14. Oh my god I'm still laughing over the bacon comment!

  15. Fluffy- that guy cracks me up. I love the Biggest Loser.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  16. That's awesome that you're still making it to the gym and working out on the Wii at home! Yay! :-)

  17. First, that was too funny! Second, talking about his wanker? What is wrong with people???

  18. Oh Sweetie,
    I SO love your Gym Czar notes, you crack me up!! I think you should have told the guy with little peepee that he was wrong and the machine made him a really big dick!! (Oops, sorry, I know this is a family blog, he just got the better, or should I say least, of me)!
    You keep up the good work, I can see the difference in you, you are a beautiful person, outside and inside - where it REALLY matters!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!